
Re: Feral?

by Awkwardlol » Wed May 20, 2015 11:12 pm

Yes, Feral Tanks work just fine at the current stage of Nostalrius.

Re: Feral?

by Flaat » Thu May 21, 2015 10:30 am

Particles wrote:A lot of misinformation in this thread.

A serious raiding guild will likely take 0 ferals, and 0 boomkins into their 40 man raids.
In 5 mans bear tanks can be great, but if you want to raid seriously as a druid, plan to heal.

You are the one who spreads misinformation, a feral does about equal dps to a hunter but brings 300% more functionality to the raid. How do you imagine a 40 man raid to look like? 2 warriors 10 rogue's 15 mages 3 paladins 2 hunters 3 locks and 5 priests?

Allot of the vanilla viability info is based on pre 1.12.1 talents and skills, almost all hybrid dps is viable in some way and bring allot of functionality to the table. Go talk to the high end guild ppl and you will know more.

Re: Feral?

by Particles » Fri May 22, 2015 3:59 am

Doing as much damage as a hunter... is not viable dps. Hunters are brought for their utility, much of which cannot be brought by other classes.

If your raid seriously needs a 10th decurser, a 10th poison cleanser, an 8th battlerez/ss or an 8th player with taunt, plus some mediocre dps, you should take a feral druid. Or, like the majority of top guilds, you could not, and just take an extra dps class.

To reiterate: if you plan to raid as a druid, plan to heal. This isn't TBC.

Re: Feral?

by Gazpy » Fri May 22, 2015 9:29 am

not sure if troll but feral same dps as hunter right now? O.o RiP rip can't use, rake? can't use either, um what else we got that does the most of cat dps, oh those were the two things? and not even an Idol existing?
Either you saw only shit hunters or a feral that is exploiting something??
Oh my good dog!
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Feral?

by tunguska » Sun May 24, 2015 2:17 pm

Why are we arguing about feral DPS now? Any feral druid should be geared and specced to be a good offtank first and foremost. Typically you would set the feral druids tanking target as the first kill target, then that feral druid can go on to DPS the rest of the targets after his is killed. Since the druid can tank and DPS with the same spec, this is the most effective use of a feral druid.

yes, if you have a feral druid in your raid only to "dps" it's not viable, this has already been discussed. This is the same as if you brought a hunter in your raid only for DPS, you bring them for other reasons first and foremost, and as a plus they also offer decent dps.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Feral?

by Norjak » Wed May 27, 2015 2:58 pm

I wouldn't think about feral dps unless it's for solo grinding.
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Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Feral?

by Grayclaw » Thu May 28, 2015 3:14 pm

I just started raiding as Feral for our guild recently, since we had a big influx of druids. While I still haven't perfected my rotation and power shifting, I've been pushing into top 10 in DPS on fights when I was strictly DPSing. I want to add that our guild has very strong DPS...Rag down to 20% before submerge. The versatility of the Druid is where I shine though...tanking adds on Garr, Sulfuron, and Domo...healing on Baron/Shazz (the old swiss army knife!).

My gear is pretty solid, but still need to farm a few more bis items for dpsing: http://realmplayers.com/CharacterViewer ... r=Grayclaw

Here is my build (biggest thing to note is 5/5 Feral Aggression for +15% dmg on FB since we can't use our bleeds atm): http://www.wowprovider.com/?talent=1121 ... 322215105n

I've proven to myself and my guild that a competent player driving a feral druid can do solid dps and bring great versatility to a raid.

I'm considering starting streaming to prove the feral druid haters wrong, b/c their opinions are clearly misinformed and/or based on experiences with bad players driving feral druids.

Re: Feral?

by tunguska » Thu May 28, 2015 6:41 pm

Hey man, thanks for sharing. Top 10dps on rag is pretty great, especially considering the current gear and a 20% rag submerge. It's unfortunate that the Wolfshead helm is still broken, or else you could probably squeeze out even more DPS with properly timed powershifting.

Keep it up, for all druid-kind!
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Feral?

by Grayclaw » Thu May 28, 2015 7:48 pm

Oh how I wish Wolfshead Helm wasn't bugged. I've started to get a feel for powershifting with energy watch so it ticks me up to 60 energy as soon as I shift....if the helm was working properly, it would be ticking up to 80 instead!!!

Re: Feral?

by Rafale » Sun May 31, 2015 8:31 am

The talent gives 40. With wolfshead you get 20.... So 60 is normal isn't it?


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