Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

Re: Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

by Trolle » Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:53 pm

Shadow wrote:''No decent guild will take a feral druid, lol. Feral is shit .''
if you say so. In a raid, if he knows what needs to be done at the proper moment I am certain he'll do better as a feral compared to a bis race/talent tree that has no clue.
Lastly playing any game is about having fun, in that order I will never tell anyone play this or that in that manner else you are ''shit''.

He will have a hard time finding a raid slot as feral druid though, so we are just telling him since that is exactly what I asked about
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Re: Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

by Beabington » Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:54 pm

Shadow wrote:''No decent guild will take a feral druid, lol. Feral is shit .''
if you say so. In a raid, if he knows what needs to be done at the proper moment I am certain he'll do better as a feral compared to a bis race/talent tree that has no clue.
Lastly playing any game is about having fun, in that order I will never tell anyone play this or that in that manner else you are ''shit''.

If one was even allowed into a raid you would be solely used as a leader of the pack/brez bot.

Trying to save someone the heartache of actually wanting to play/level a druid with the intent of being feral. It's simply not a good spec in vanilla and not sought after in really any capacity then being an aura.
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Re: Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

by Killerwife » Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:16 pm

The argument is not "a good feral will be better than a shitty rogue". The argument is "a superb feral will lack compared to a superb rogue". Be my guest, go raid until naxxramas with feral. Then get the fuck out of there.

Re: Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

by gangistax » Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:31 pm

Wow, guys you are amazing *o*.
I do not expect many answers so complete and so quickly !!
Thank you very much, you were a great help to me and I'm looking forward to playing with you all :)
I think, i go make a druid for main character and after level 60, i decide if i try to feral dps on main spec or second spec but i want verify if i really can't dps better and being more usefull than war or rogue ;)

Again, i'm sorry for my bad English but i trying to impove myself in this langage ^^'

Re: Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

by Keftenk » Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:38 pm

Trolle wrote:...Enhancement Shaman and Retribution Paladin are not good enough to compare to Warriors and Rogues. They do SUBSTANTIALY less DPS compared Rogue/Warrior. We talk like 50% of the DPS.

Most definitely not true, at least when you move into AQ and Naxx (Shaman/Paladin). All three of these classes are try hard mode specs, Feral however does still fall considerably short even compared to both of these classes. Early on there has been some success with Moonkin DPS in MC mostly because of Bloodvine, but again it's try hard mode and you need to be flasked and fully buffed.
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Re: Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

by Beabington » Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:28 pm

gangistax wrote:Wow, guys you are amazing *o*.
I do not expect many answers so complete and so quickly !!
Thank you very much, you were a great help to me and I'm looking forward to playing with you all :)
I think, i go make a druid for main character and after level 60, i decide if i try to feral dps on main spec or second spec but i want verify if i really can't dps better and being more usefull than war or rogue ;)

Again, i'm sorry for my bad English but i trying to impove myself in this langage ^^'

No, you will not outdps warriors or rogues. Sorry bud.
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Re: Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

by Moxey » Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:00 pm

If you want to feral dps wait for Corecraft heh.
Altho even in burning crusade Feral is kinda weak as dps, but at least it will be viable.
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Re: Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

by showtime » Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:58 am

out of shaman dps and paladin and druid the druid is best (with feral attack power mace)

see ret paladins cant even get judgement of crusader up because debuff limit and they just dont have many abilties for good dps

enh shaman sucks ass just like ret pally

but if you want to play feral so bad its not a bad choice. just be an off tank and then dps as cat when you dont do that
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Re: Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

by MadeByRockets » Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:43 am

Biggest problem is that druids rely on their bleeds to do maximum DPS. In PVP it's no problem, druids are actually pretty strong for vanilla PVP.

But nobody wants to take a druid because their bleeds aren't that strong on PVE and with the 16 debuff limit, they would rather have more useful debuffs on the boss than bleeds.
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Re: Druid Feral viable on raid for DPS ?

by Aquane » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:32 am

I really want to make a kitty druid but I'm very turned off by how a kitty druid supposedly has to be able to powershift to worth anything in a raid, and on top of that you can't use rake or rip outside of UBRS and 5 mans, both of which you need to do max dps

and even then kitty druids are only good once you get good gear; what makes them good is their insane scaling, which I'd imagine kicks in around AQ40/naxx, but you'll still never outdps a fury warrior or fire mage because they have rage and ignite scaling, which are OP

2.4 ap per strength AND 1 ap per agility, and then they get a big static AP bonus and maces that explicitly increase cat/bear AP by a ton, which they can use an offhander with(+8 all stats from strat live)
they can also use hurricane on huge AoE pulls, unlike rogues who are largely useless during aoe pulls

im not very well versed about powershifting so dont ask me about it please
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