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Re: Very useful macro for every druids

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:40 am
by Takefive
essedge wrote:Would a travel macro like this one mentioned in reddit (2014) and the current wowwiki work here?

Don't think so. If I remember correctly conditionals like [indoors] were implemented during tbc expansion. CallCompanion("MOUNT", 1) is probably the part of wotlk, when all your mounts and companions moved from your bags and bank in to special companion window. IsUsableItem(94154) also points to another expansion since we have only about 20k items in Vanilla data base

Re: Very useful macro for every druids

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:05 pm
by varjopuoli

Is there good tanking macros? like shapeshifting out of form and casting spell, healing spell, same time?

Re: Very useful macro for every druids

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:18 am
by forsaken_toys
You can't shift out of form and cast heal in one button, because in vanilla cancel form generates GCD. But if you spam button, you can do something like this:

Code: Select all
/run for i=1, GetNumShapeshiftForms() do _, name, active = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i) if( active ~= nil ) then CastShapeshiftForm(i) break end end
/run CastSpellByName("Regrowth")

cancel any form, then regrowth.

Re: Very useful macro for every druids

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:18 pm
by rotten
Forgive me if this was already mentioned somewhere but I am seeking a spammable maul macro that wont cancel my autoattack pl. ty

Re: Very useful macro for every druids

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:50 pm
by RedBanner
rotten wrote:Forgive me if this was already mentioned somewhere but I am seeking a spammable maul macro that wont cancel my autoattack pl. ty

At the end of any macro add this line:
Code: Select all
/script if not IsCurrentAction(48) then UseAction(48) end

"48" is the button number where my auto-attack is located. By default, Auto-attack should be button 1.

Re: Very useful macro for every druids

PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2023 10:18 am
by anrey
Feral/pvp macro

required supermacro addon

bear, charge

/script SpellStopCasting()
/script bI, bN, bIA = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1); if bIA then CastSpellByName"Feral Charge" else CastShapeshiftForm(1) end
/script cI, cN, cIA = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if cIA then CastShapeshiftForm(3) end
Claw, if 5cp Ferocious Bite

/script if not IsCurrentAction(1) then AttackTarget() end;
/script if GetComboPoints()==5 then CastSpellByName("Ferocious Bite") else CastSpellByName("Claw");end
ff in all form in one button

/script i=1;m=0;while(UnitBuff("player",i)~=nil) do if(strfind(UnitBuff("player",i),"Form")~=nil) then m=1; end;i=i+1;end; c=CastSpellByName; if(m==1) then c("Faerie Fire (Feral)()");else c("Faerie Fire(Rank 4)");end;
Autoattack on, if enough rage - maul, autoattack must be in 1st slot on you pannel, or you must change number in your macro

/script if not IsCurrentAction(1) then AttackTarget() end;
/cast Maul(Rank 7)
Rake, if stealthed - pounce

/script i=1;m=0;while(UnitBuff("player",i)~=nil) do if(strfind(UnitBuff("player",i),"Ability_Ambush")~=nil) then m=1; end;i=i+1;end; c=CastSpellByName; if(m==1) then c("Pounce");else c("Rake");end;
Shred, if stealthed - ravage

/script i=1;m=0;while(UnitBuff("player",i)~=nil) do if(strfind(UnitBuff("player",i),"Ability_Ambush")~=nil) then m=1; end;i=i+1;end; c=CastSpellByName; if(m==1) then c("Ravage");else c("Shred");end;
Inner on self, without targeting

/script TargetUnit("player")
/cast Innervate
/script TargetLastTarget()
Abolish on self, without targeting

/script SpellStopCasting()
/script TargetUnit("player")
/cast Abolish Poison
/script TargetLastTarget()
Shift bear, stun

/script SpellStopCasting()
/script bI, bN, bIA = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1); if bIA then CastSpellByName"Bash" else CastShapeshiftForm(1) end
/script cI, cN, cIA = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if cIA then CastShapeshiftForm(3) end
Use tigerfury, if tigerfury on than ravage

/script i=1;m=0;while(UnitBuff("player",i)~=nil) do if(strfind(UnitBuff("player",i),"Ability_Mount_JungleTiger")~=nil) then m=1; end;i=i+1;end; c=CastSpellByName; if(m==1) then c("Ravage");else c("Tiger's Fury");end;
travel/aqua form + enable max camera range

/script CastSpellByName("Aquatic Form()")
/script CastSpellByName("Travel Form()")
/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 5

/script i=1;m=0;while(UnitBuff("player",i)~=nil) do if(strfind(UnitBuff("player",i),"Ability_Druid_CatForm")~=nil) then m=1; end;i=i+1;end; c=CastSpellByName; if(m==1) then c("Prowl(Rank 3)");else c("Cat Form(Shapeshift)");end;
shred, if stealthed than cast tigerfury, if tigerfury on and energy more than 99 cast ravage

/script if not buffed("prowl") then cast("shred")end;
/script if buffed("prowl") then if not buffed("Tiger's Fury") then cast("Tiger's Fury")end;end;
/script if buffed("Tiger's Fury") and UnitMana("Player")>99 then cast ("Ravage");end;
Powershift claw+rake pve dps rotation

But you must always put on target rip and rake, bcz it most damaging feral spells

/script if not buffed("Cat Form", 'player') then cast("Cat Form(Shapeshift)")end;
/script if not IsCurrentAction(1) then AttackTarget() end;
/script if buffed("Clearcasting", 'player') then cast("Shred")end;
/script if GetComboPoints()==5 then CastSpellByName("Ferocious Bite") else CastSpellByName("Claw");end
/script if buffed("Cat Form", 'player') and UnitMana("Player")<30 then cast ("Cat Form(Shapeshift)");end;

macro for heals

rjv, if rjv on target than use swiftmend

/script i=1;m=0;while(UnitBuff("target",i)~=nil) do if(strfind(UnitBuff("Target",i),"Spell_Nature_Rejuvenation")~=nil) then m=1; end;i=i+1;end; c=CastSpellByName; if(m==1) then c("Swiftmend");else c("Rejuvenation(Rank 10)");end;
Rankning, but it better for flash heals, bcz drood heals have to long casttime need editing, depend of your gear, spec and preferences

/run if ((UnitHealthMax"target")-(UnitHealth"target")>loosehealth) then CastSpellByName("spell that healing amount of loose healt(Rank off spell)"); end
/run if ((UnitHealthMax"target")-(UnitHealth"target")>200) then CastSpellByName("Heal(Rank 3)"); end
/run if ((UnitHealthMax"target")-(UnitHealth"target")>300) then CastSpellByName("Heal(Rank 4)"); end
/run if ((UnitHealthMax"target")-(UnitHealth"target")>400) then CastSpellByName("Heal(Rank 5)"); end

For precast healing, gut for tank healing, if hp of your target more than 95% then stopcast, also you can edit previous macro for add stopcast support, or ranking or what you want.

/script CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank 6)"); if (UnitHealth('target')/UnitHealthMax('target')>0.95) then SpellStopCasting() end
but when i was heal i just use clique and grid