BiS list for PvP Pallyhealing?

BiS list for PvP Pallyhealing?

by TheFishyOne » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:34 am

Does one exist? The PvP set is garbage for Healing, and I'd rather not wear anything less than Mail to a BG.
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Re: BiS list for PvP Pallyhealing?

by Kasen » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:59 am

It doesn't.
But guess if you need more armour you should go after T1/T2 items, a lot of them got healing stats.

Re: BiS list for PvP Pallyhealing?

by DrearyYew » Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:26 pm

Find whatever gear that is plate with Int Stam and +Heal on it. You're kinda limited if you don't raid, but T1, T2, and some ZG items are really good. Remember that T2 gets changed in the future to a more DPS focused set.
Dreary - Human "Needs No Mana" Holy Paladin
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Re: BiS list for PvP Pallyhealing?

by Soetast » Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:12 pm

I have been looking at the gear I will get for PvP healing. It's all Pre-raid gear.

I wouldn't say it's a BiS list, but iit's a decent start. Feel free to come with suggestions of improvements.

All the gear can be attained solo or with a 5 man group.

The focus has been plate (mail in some places, but as few as possible). Been trying to avoid items without stamina to be able to soak quite a bit of damage, while still keeping to healing stats.

Head - Whitesoul (Crafted) (or PVP head if you want the stamina)
Neck - Animated Chain Necklace (Strat UD) or Stormpike (AB Honored) if you want mp5 and int instead of the +heal.
Shoulders - Dawnbringer Shoulders (Crafted) (or PvP if you want stamina)
Cloak - Hide of the Wild (Crafted)
Chest - Energized Breastplate (DM East, last boss) mp5, int and stamina (PVP Chest is better though)
Bracers - using Lawbringer (BOE) myself currently. Loomguard Armbraces (Scholo) might be a better option.. Mail with 33 + healing
Gloves - Harmonius Gauntlets (DM North) Mail with a ton of +healing
Waist - Belt of the Ordained (boe and quite expensive..) The leather one from DM west might be the next best thing.. (Eyestalk Cord)
Legs - Chitinous Plate Legguards (strat UD) Int, stamina and mp5.. PVP Legs might be better.
Boots - PVP Boots
Rings - unsure, I'll aim for Fordrings Seal (quest) and either WSG Honored (spell dmg and mp5) or band of rumination (crit mp5, UBRS)
Trinkets - Mindtap Talisman or some +healing, such as DM quest or Second Wind (BRD)
Mainhand - The Hammer of Grace (BRD) +healing
Shield - mp5 shield from the goblin in maraudon (or The Immovable Object for survivability)

And since you ideally would be using pvp boots and pvp chest, you might consider using PVP Legs and shoulders/head as well, for the 4set bonus (shorter cd on HoJ) and a ton of additional stamina.

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