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Spell resists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:46 am
by yekezei

Leveling a mage for the first time, I noticed my spells get resisted quite often. Sometimes my spells get resisted 4 times a row when attacking an elite that is just one level higher than me.

I'm currently frost spec and I was wondering if its good practice to spec elemental precision in the frost tree. Will I see a big difference by putting 3 points there? Or is it not worth putting points there while leveling?


Re: Spell resists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:21 pm
by Elementalist
elemental precision is the first fucking thing you get because fuck vanilla


Re: Spell resists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:44 pm
by Letokteren
Some mobs require special strategy.

For example: the kobolds in Elvynn resists fire spells very often, and even if they hit, they don't do as much damage – or at least this is what I have experienced. But after realising this, I started to spam frost bolt, and the fights became much less shorter. Also: murlocks are the opposite: it seems they "like to be cooked" more than being freezed. Of course I'm talking about situations when the mob is at the same level as you.

You need to experience. It's not a coincidence that the 30+ frost mage vs. Ragnaros kill was so fast.

Re: Spell resists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:48 pm
by Feltrider
yekezei wrote:I'm currently frost spec and I was wondering if its good practice to spec elemental precision in the frost tree. Will I see a big difference by putting 3 points there?

Yes you definetly need those 3 points. I had the same problem and saw a huge difference. Go for it ;)

Re: Spell resists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:11 pm
by Choksondik
After maxing frost bolt cast time talent this should be the next to max. On normal mobs your lvl you will see great improvement (almost no resists whatsoever) but i've noticed that mobs with high resists still resist a lot even tho i was few levels higher.