Character Deleted

Account or connection issues

Character Deleted

by smilingyello » Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:22 pm

I created a character with a name that I like, log in, found a large amount of people in the starting area making things difficult. I log out, check back a day later, still too many people. No big deal, I can wait, not in the mood to fight for lvl 2 mobs.

Today I log in, my character (which was still level 1, no big deal) was deleted. Upon re-creation of a toon, the name I initially chose is now taken. Was there a purge of lvl 1 characters older than 24 hours? I couldn't find anything in the forum.

Re: Character Deleted

by Daemon » Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:25 pm

Hi. There was no purge of level 1 characters. Could you please provide me your character name (PM if you wish), and I will investigate.
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