Name Change: Looking for GM assistance

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Name Change: Looking for GM assistance

by Bathrobe » Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:49 pm

I was looking to get a character name change on my main Velive (Horde). I have the name I want saved as an alt on the same account and was hoping for some GM assistance.

Re: Name Change: Looking for GM assistance

by Kill » Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:08 am

Bathrobe wrote:I was looking to get a character name change on my main Velive (Horde). I have the name I want saved as an alt on the same account and was hoping for some GM assistance.

Lol, I don't think that will happen:

1) It's not blizzlike
2) GMs have a shitload of work todo in the beginning and changing names has absolutely no priority
3) You can't have come far in two days, so just start with your other alt

If I where you I wouldn't expect that ever to happen (and I hope it won't, since it destroys emergence). Nothing against you, but this request, I think, is not very appropriate.

Re: Name Change: Looking for GM assistance

by Bathrobe » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:33 pm

Priority was never of importance and I understand that. Just hoping this is the correct place to post this and it gets noticed eventually. Also I would argue this is blizzlike since there were no name changes available through payment in vanilla. I know because I successfully got a name change on retail vanilla through an in game ticket.

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