Disconnect after login - Windows 8

Account or connection issues

Disconnect after login - Windows 8

by Venim » Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:24 pm

I am sending this to try to help my brother because I want him to play and he is frustrated that he can't get this working on his windows 8 PC. He has 2 different laptops and one has windows 7 and the other windows 8. His windows 7 laptop (work), works just fine with no issues at all.

The windows 8 laptop crashes to desktop immediately after logging in where you would generally go to character select. It logs in fine and says "handshaking" etc. then just disconnects without getting to login. After deleting the WTF folder, it lets you choose the server again as if its the first time, but as soon as it would go to char select, crash.

Realmlist name is correct
Hes tried deleting wtf/wdb
Hes tried runnin in compatibility modes
Tried running as admin
Another laptop works fine on same router/network etc.
completely re-downloaded torrent file and re-installed from scratch

I am not a genius when it comes to windows 8 or anything really, so is there anything anyone else can think of to maybe make this work? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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