3:2 Resolutions

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3:2 Resolutions

by Shadowx93ca » Tue Apr 05, 2016 10:56 pm

I'm using my Surface Pro 3 for playing WoW, but the only good resolution that doesn't have black margins is the native resolution, 2160x1440. This results in my device becoming somewhat hot, and since the screen is so small, I wager it wouldn't even get warm if I halved the resolution.

So there's the issue; There is no 1080x720 resolution option in my client, which would be ideal, as I'd use precisely a quarter of the pixels that my display has. This would improve my performance on battery saving mode immensely, and save battery as well - I often use my Surface Pro 3 while on a train ride or in the bus.

I tried to change the text in config.wtf file, but reached no conclusive results. The game forces itself to run at 800x600 if I type in 1080x720 (I only changed the resolution itself in the file, and nothing else).

Please note: The resolution I want isn't an option in Windows Display Settings, either. It doesn't appear to exist. If there's any tech-savvy person here who has a trick up their sleeve, that would be immensely appreciated.

TL;DR - Have 2160x1440 3:2 resolution, want 1080x720 3:2

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