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Unable to move in ghost form after disconnection

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:32 am
by propergamer1978
Hello GM,

Died in dolanar when fighting a gnarlpine shaman, and while running back in wisp form, I got disconnected, and upon relog at coordinate 45,55, I am not able to move from my spot, but am able to turn using keyboard and mouse. I tried using unstuck command as well as macro, to no avail, and have also opened a ticket.

My in game name is Alcana, level 8 night elf hunter.

Re: Unable to move in ghost form after disconnection

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:02 am
by propergamer1978
Thank you very much for the super speedy response to my forum ticket!

The GM have moved me back from my stuck position to a spirit healer. And at that p;oint I'm able to freely moveabout