"Disconnect from Server"

Account or connection issues

"Disconnect from Server"

by pisquared » Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:31 am

Getting this message.

To turn away certain responses:

Yes I did look at the troubleshoot post, the problem with this is that the "Success!" doesn't even pop up, it goes from authenticating, etc, BEFORE success! Then it states the message.

I just made my account yesterday.

I already tried reinstalling.

I already had my realmlist set, even to the "login2.nostalrius.org"

I live in US (because apparently some people are talking about location??)

Already tried deleting the WB folder.

Been like this all day and yet I see people streaming/playing soo if anyone has any intel I'd love to hear it. If no information/answer is available it would at least be comforting to hear it is being worked on because I don't see too many people mentioning this, thanks.

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