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Account Recovery

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 1:10 am
by brodywilson91
Hello Nost family. my name is Brody and i had an account with you guys for a while. I believe i made a total of 4 characters. only one of them reaching level 60.

I have been spending the last 3 days trying to get this token generated and i cannot remember anything from it except my email. I have the email that i used still active and i know a few of the character names still and the realm they were on. I really do not want to start over because i put so much time in to my rogue and i cannot afford to lose him.

I hope there is something you can do to help me. i have created a new account on nost site to try and contact you. I tried contacting an admin for Elysium and they pointed me in this direction. Please get back to me whenever possible through PM.

Thank you so much