WSG Game Time-out broken?

WSG Game Time-out broken?

by samusmaster64 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:38 am

So I've been unable to find anything on this here. Perhaps I've just missed it, but can anyone explain why this happens?

I queue up for a WSG at 39 and join as an alliance player. There are 3 alliance and 5 horde, which during off-peak hours seems normal for this bracket. The game starts and as soon as it does, the "not enough players: closing game in 5 minutes" message appears. We manage to bypass their team, get the flag, on the run back kill their EFC, and run the flag for a cap, making it 1-0 for the alliance team. This left us with about 45 seconds to spare. We hold up in the room for the duration of the fight, still with 3 total alliance players and defend it 'til time runs out. The scoreboard comes up, and boom. We lost. 1-0, game timed out, but we still lost. We each got about 215 less honor than the horde team did. I checked the honor sheet earnings and it was an accurate number at ~400 honor earned for the game. The horde earned over 600 for not even scoring.

I get that 200 honor isn't much, and this likely isn't a problem at max level. But it would be nice if it didn't do this.

I've seen this happen probably 5 times now and finally decided to look into it because, since it's WSG weekend, the presumably missing honor adds up fast.

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