Alliance such weak

Alliance such weak

by Roddan » Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:11 pm

Why are alliance so weak? They can never do 1v1 or attack at same level ? They always go in a grp, If they 1v1 they're 5-10 lvls above yourself. So weak.
60 Hunter - Alliance
60 Mage - Horde
43 Paladin - Alliance
22 Rogue - Horde
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Re: Alliance such weak

by Guirssane » Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:38 pm

Yeah horde does the same you know. #whine
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Re: Alliance such weak

by apollan » Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:05 pm

That's bullshit, you are describing horde right now. There's always way more horde than alliance in actual contested areas

Re: Alliance such weak

by Xylon666Darkstar » Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:38 pm

It goes both ways. Know how to pick your battles instead of feeding them.
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Re: Alliance such weak

by turulszem » Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:08 am

It's not the faction to blame, Both sides have assholes.

Re: Alliance such weak

by rptb1 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:52 am

Edit -- an aposite quote:
The scrub believes that any tactic or maneuver that beats him should be labeled “cheap” and consequently banned.
Last edited by rptb1 on Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Alliance such weak

by hahahahaha » Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:29 am

There's some alliance character named Poxie, he is level 60 and came and wiped out a party of horde with another level 60 friend after we waited 30 minutes for bhag'thera to spawn in STV.. then 2 warlocks rocked up and stole the kill as we ran back to our corpses.

Poxie is a noob and so is his bjork hunter friend. You've gotta be a noob to hunt down low levels that can't even see your level :)

Re: Alliance such weak

by norm964bgb » Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:10 pm

hahahahaha wrote:There's some alliance character named Poxie, he is level 60 and came and wiped out a party of horde with another level 60 friend after we waited 30 minutes for bhag'thera to spawn in STV.. then 2 warlocks rocked up and stole the kill as we ran back to our corpses.

Poxie is a noob and so is his bjork hunter friend. You've gotta be a noob to hunt down low levels that can't even see your level :)

But you have to admit he accomplished his mission: You made a forum entry. :D
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Re: Alliance such weak

by Sare » Sat Apr 11, 2015 8:39 pm

But here's the problem, it's a win win for them because until it happens to you it's, "stop whining, he accomplished his mission by making you rage". Like it's like the victim of all of this should have prevented this but here's the thing you can't, like I understand 3 people on STV that are around my level grouped together coming up to me and fucking my asshole open, I'm worth honor to them fair enough. A lv 60? There is literally no reason other than to just feel good that you can kick other people's asses since you have such a huge statistical advantage.

If people whine then you've won but wait you've already won by camping them for an hour straight so it's a double win now. The victim can't win in this situation so when people whine just let them and stop thinking you're taking some moral high ground by saying, "He won since you made a forum post", it just reinforces shit like this. Seriously it's hilarious until it happens to you then you're whining to your buddy through whisper or making a forum post about it. You know, the feeling of power is great, I occasionally feel the want to go to Duskwood and destroy all the low level ally there but you're just being a dick if you do it. I don't enjoy it so I don't do it in return even though feeling power is great, it's basically a fat kid getting picked on at school and going home to pick on his younger and much smaller brother because he fucking can.

Re: Alliance such weak

by hahahahaha » Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:02 pm

I have no issue with ganking when it's fair (if you can get honour). But if you're ganking lower levels, it's a bit of a shit move.

Falkon is another alliance noob that ganks grey levels & corpse camps them while they're trying to quest lol

Hatorade, a level 60 human rogue as well.

Learn to play :)


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