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Re: 30-39 PVP

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:33 am
by Heliosone
Nice. The ally twinks are slowing building pace, we are few at the moment, but more is coming. we've actually started to win some BG's, and i love facing off with Madhairy, Pwninator, and the countless UD rogues.

Re: 30-39 PVP

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:35 am
by Heliosone
and i totally agree with you about the potential, the only problem is the price of gearing your twink up. i've come of cheap, spent around 500g on gear and enchants. Staff of jordan did not come cheap, though i did buy 2, 1 for me and 1 for my friend ;) but the fact that Casters can properly twink as well without getting steamrolled by melee classes (shamans excepted) is nice. 1.4k crit is my highest so far!

Re: 30-39 PVP

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:39 am
by Heliosone
In terms of best geared twink its pwninator (Shaman), lucky bastard has green lens of stamina and a few other goodies.. Nice guy, spoke to him some. when i see him i run.

30-39 PVP

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:43 pm
by Thunderstruck
My highest char on the horde side is a 37 Warrior that I'm almost done equipping (it's taken a long time making money). I still need all enchants yet and a couple of things from SM.

It's been frustrating because AB (which I greatly prefer) never pops and WSG averages 6-7 alliance (almost all twinks, Druids/Mages/Hunters/Warlocks mostly) vs. 3-4 horde (usually a level 30-32, a couple 37-39 ok geared non-twinks and maybe 1 full twink) so it's a 3-0 smash every game.

Where are the horde?

Re: 30-39 PVP

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:53 pm
by stimz
interesting how horde skip the competitive bracket to a bracket that has never had any alliance competition and probably never will since it takes 3x as long to level into and probabaly 5x or more cost. guess its par for the course for nostalrius though. bracket up 2 win. shout out to all my former 29 homies

Re: 30-39 PVP

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 3:22 am
by Niko
stimz wrote:interesting how horde skip the competitive bracket to a bracket that has never had any alliance competition and probably never will since it takes 3x as long to level into and probabaly 5x or more cost. guess its par for the course for nostalrius though. bracket up 2 win. shout out to all my former 29 homies

real shitter backpedler bashing around :D :D
fuck off baddie

Re: 30-39 PVP

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:00 am
by mousepad
the only reason alliance cksuckers win 29s is they as usual( just like on retail!) typicallly stack fotms out of the wazoo.
29s is a joke 3 button bracket.

39s....can the ally H0m0z explain to me why do they always go on defense while being 2 capped and the 3rd flag is taken? Can one of you cksuckers explain?

Re: 30-39 PVP

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:42 am
by stimz
mousepad wrote:the only reason alliance cksuckers win 29s is they as usual( just like on retail!) typicallly stack fotms out of the wazoo.
29s is a joke 3 button bracket.

39s....can the ally H0m0z explain to me why do they always go on defense while being 2 capped and the 3rd flag is taken? Can one of you cksuckers explain?

What? horde has way more hunters in 29s. They just lack good ones. What's FOTM after that? Probably fewer FOTM in 29 than 39. FOTM = anything that can equip a PoD, frost mage, sub rogue. Fun, fun.

Oh, almost forgot you also get to enjoy resto druid FCs with travel form in another bracket without mounts. It's like the worst things about 29 get worse in 39. But hey, if you enjoy spending more time to level and gold to buy overpriced zone specific BoEs just to stomp literal noobs then knock yourself out. We'll be waiting in 29 if you decide to spend less than 10 hours to get a char to a competitive level there.

Re: 30-39 PVP

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:52 am
by stimz
also noticed a fun trend for horde vs allies. allies want actual competion. horde want the illusion of competition. they want their opponents to struggle but lose, if they themselves lose they get the fuck out. prove me wrong.

Re: 30-39 PVP

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:12 pm
by mousepad
LOL are you autistic at 29 you literally press multi shot and 2-3 people die(if untwinked). 29s is the most unbalanced vanilla bracket

if untwinked most dont even have any headgear and alot are wearing greys and junk items with + spirit. Heck people buy grey item! on AH bcuz they dont have any headgear

I mean lets compare (29 item) (39 item)

Despite a huge ten level difference the 39 rifle only gives 12 more max dmg. Now compare that 29 rifle w/ its 37-70 damage to 19s Venomstrike 16-30. a VERY steep dmg diffference but 29 nontwinks usually have as much HP as 19 nontwinks with 100 more give or take.

Now at 39 you can pretty much expect almost any noob to be geared in every slot so everyone gives you a run for your money, even the shittiest mage, whereas at 29 they just fall over in 1 shot