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Re: BG Queue Times

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:33 pm
by snawfu
For the "PUG experience" no queue system they can implement would work since the biggest incentive on this server for PVP is to farm gear from thus explaining the high number of people playing in a group (premade).

That's why it's better to just go for the least broken/abusable system instead of trying to accommodate some solo queue experience at the expense of everyone else and enabling a RMT market in the process (last 8 months of wintrade-system).

One could argue its not a problem of queue system or lack of modification to it but a mentality problem since people don't get into battlegrounds "to have fun" but to gather gear for progression which this game is all about. (This part is mostly a point of view with the soloqueue player, I personally think organized, competitive group pvp is one of the best aspects of the game).

bg que times for horde are still crap last I checked, and the lag makes playing melee unbearable.

ty cya

Re: BG Queue Times

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:44 pm
by arOo
vathdaar wrote:ps. I wouldnt mind a prio prem system which puts you in the start of the qeue or whatever as it is right now since the whole idea of the TOP premade still works while not devaluating the premades in one side ( like horde was forced to not premade, mainly because the sucked).

Well that certainly would "force" you to teamup when ranking, since you will be stuck in much longer queues.
Under no circumstances would that be fair to the "casual" player.
- It also eleminates every incentive of the pugging culture, which can be enjoyable with a good playerbase.

Re: BG Queue Times

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:46 pm
by Colezz
why ppl play wow to spend the whole time grinding for gear

Re: BG Queue Times

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:42 am
by wiseoldenemy
Colezz wrote:why ppl play wow to spend the whole time grinding for gear

on a private server too rofl

Re: BG Queue Times

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 4:11 am
by Dodgemade
wiseoldenemy wrote:
Colezz wrote:why ppl play wow to spend the whole time grinding for gear

on a private server too rofl