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Re: LVL 60 gankers killing lov lvl

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:59 am
by sly.odx
Pvp server at it finest

Re: LVL 60 gankers killing lov lvl

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:16 pm
by Teence
b1oodx wrote:This mindset is why i hate WoW after Wotlk, considering Wpvp in any form is dead. This mindset is part of the reason it died.

My fondest memories of this game was trying to find a way to quickly accomplish a quest in hillsbrad foothills on my 22-36 rogue with 4+ 60 gankers wandering around. Constantly just pveing stuff without having to watch your back is absolutely horrible.

This is how Vanilla-BC was especially in stv. Hell there were days every quest giver in Tarren Mill was dead for 6+ hours from a raid of alliance.

Go quest elsewhere for those "2 hours" they are camping it.

Let's be honest, it's far easier to quest with gankers running around as a Rogue or Druid than any other class because you can be selective about when you're gankable. Most other classes don't have that option, so what you're saying doesn't really add anything to the discussion. Note that I have no opinion one way or the other and I have yet to be camped on either of my lowbie characters, but I do recognize that Rogues and Druids have it far easier than any other class when a 60 is running around.

Re: LVL 60 gankers killing lov lvl

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:29 pm
by b1oodx
I play both rogue and mage, "My fondest memories of this game was trying to find a way to quickly accomplish a quest in hillsbrad foothills on my 22-36 rogue with 4+ 60 gankers wandering around" its just my fondest memory. Feel the same way on my mage.

Re: LVL 60 gankers killing lov lvl

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:08 am
by rptb1
b1oodx wrote:This mindset is why i hate WoW after Wotlk, considering Wpvp in any form is dead. This mindset is part of the reason it died.

QFT, except it died way before then, when most people just sat in capitals queuing for BGs and instances.

OP: yes, it's tough. Yes, you can deal with it. It's a challenge. It's a challenge you can enjoy.

Re: LVL 60 gankers killing lov lvl

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:28 am
by b1oodx
^^ which is why id go to the capitals. 3/2 v 20+ pve idiots was glorious.

Re: LVL 60 gankers killing lov lvl

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:27 pm
by beercow
rptb1 wrote:QFT, except it died way before then, when most people just sat in capitals queuing for BGs and instances.

Agreed. TBC at 70 no one ever stopped in contested. Fly from safe zone to safe zone. My rogue never stopped crying.

Re: LVL 60 gankers killing lov lvl

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:59 pm
by Lighthammer
I don't care much for ganking at all. Maybe I'm just a bit to honourable. It does add a serious amount of immersion when you always have to watch your back. However there's a difference between pvp and harassment. These level 60s who run around and kill lowbies, that's just terrible. Or sit on your corpse and wait for you to respawn, then kill you again. I don't get where the fun in killing a gimped player is. Surely you want an epic fight to teeth and nail and emerge victorious.

The only good thing with 60s hunting lowbies is that those lowbies can then call on their guilds and perhaps get some epic world pvp going. That's awesome even though you as a lowbie can't take part.. just seeing these people whacking at eachother is great.

Re: LVL 60 gankers killing lov lvl

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:46 pm
by twocows
People are talking so much about how the death of world pvp killed the community. I'm pretty sure pve realms have been around since vanilla, though. I honestly prefer pve realms except for large world pvp battles, which are admittedly pretty fun. They didn't want to split the community, and it's not like I hate pvp realms, but when you mix people who prefer pve realms and pvp realms together, it goes without saying the pve players are going to bitch. I don't get any enjoyment out of killing people who aren't trying to pvp and I definitely don't get any when others kill me when I'm not trying to.

I get that it's a pvp realm and functioning as intended, but the complaints are to be expected because there's no pve realm option here. It doesn't bother me that much (I've leveled plenty of characters on pvp realms), but obviously some people are going to be really frustrated because their preferred realm type isn't available. The obvious fix is to implement a pve realm but they probably don't want to do that because they don't have enough population to split the server yet.

Re: LVL 60 gankers killing lov lvl

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:02 pm
by gunzbngbng
There was a 60 shadowpriest named Foxx at thorium point who was ganking lowbies. I caught him low on mana and began corpse camping him as a 46 hunter. God, viper sting is hilarious. Sadly, eventually he brought a 60 lock to help. I find it amusing that players can be so bad.