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Re: 20-29 Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:45 am
by Xylon666Darkstar
40-49 bracket is the bracket to be. See you there!

Re: 20-29 Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:53 am
by stimz
That effort to level an alt to 49 or that restraint to not finish your main is too much for me

Re: 20-29 Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:33 pm
by durabigael
To be honest even if i like alt , vanila is a difference experience. Vanila Wow feel like an actual world. So i dont want any alt. If i m online i want to world of wow to feel my presence. If i start another toon that me my time will be split between both character.

Re: 20-29 Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:05 am
by stimz
Dreams dead imo. This server just lacks any players with skill, doubt any bracket can be less than shit. Both sides have awful players, like 2 weeks into real vanilla release tier players. The worst part is the almost good players just stop queueing after a stomp without fail on both sides so 9/10 it's just a one sided stomp either way. It's been like this since release and it will never get better, since we have that free to play mentality here.

As an example I played horde a bit yesterday and we stomped like 5-0 so me and my buddy logged onto our alliance chars since all the ally twinks stopped queueing and the same people on that team horde team that was stomping literally afk'd out the next game. It's ridiculous.

RIP Vanilla, no one has thick enough skin to actually make it real again.

For the record, horde has MORE twinks than alliance in 29. The reason you never see them is either 1. they're scared to queue or 2. they wanted to join in on the allies stomping so they rerolled or the obvious 3. they quit.

Re: 20-29 Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:14 pm
by Sham
What are the names of your and your buddy on horde? I'll make sure it wont be too easy for you >:)

ps/ wow, never saw so many horde twinks as today. Like 8 in one game.

Re: 20-29 Thread

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:05 am
by stimz
Sham wrote:What are the names of your and your buddy on horde? I'll make sure it wont be too easy for you >:)

ps/ wow, never saw so many horde twinks as today. Like 8 in one game.

Im not saying its always easy, its either joke easy or impossible depending on which faction was broken most recently. Ive noticed undergeared levelers are able to tough it out more than most twinks. Whats crazy is if you asked me about something memorable that happened in all the games ive played so far the only things i can think of is "so and so /afkd out hilariously fast".

Thats it, and a few good games vs creeds team that always ends with levelers hearthing out and bugging the teams for a lopsided anticlimactic ending

The twinks exist, the players exist but nothing happens. Hope something changes at some point, cause me and arbor are | | close to burnt out.

Re: 20-29 Thread

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:55 am
by Sham
stimz wrote:Im not saying

Scared m8? :>

Re: 20-29 Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:52 am
by stimz
Eeler (not done yet, still finding someone for runs before hitting 29) and arbor is Milkjoke, close to done but no weap enchant.

Had like one decent game vs you and celest as a duo and one game that could have been good but servers went down and login server has been sucking. Also ran into you and celest solo but with zero competent dps to support on my team, still kept queueing til I had to leave for work despite the hopelessness though. Been having to wand more than heal lately.

Anywho something in my comp died last night (looked like gfx card but either mobo or psu, old comp so just gonna build new)and I was gonna order a new one today but fuck it, gonna see if that amazon prime thing has any sexy deals.

When that shit is sorted out I'll see if games have improved. If things actually get good I can bring in a few oldschoolers to make it more interesting, otherwise I'm gonna find something better to do, which might happen anyway with this forced hiatus.

Cya in about a week or not at all I guess,

Scroaterboat/Hode/Eugoogalizer/Werd (untwinked troll build)/Eeler(give me a reason to buy librams please)

29s 4 lyfe

Edit: well still have my phone but no point lurking til I can play again.

Re: 20-29 Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:27 am
by stimz
Since I have time I'll also enlighten you guys on the roles/builds that exist.

Shadow - literally only good for debuff flooding with weaving at 29.
Disc - best spec hands down, can grab blackout 4/5 without hurting build.
Holy - discs always oom little brother without martydom. Don't do it.

0/15/5 Best solo dagger build
18/2/0 best teamfight build. Doesn't do much here since there aren't enough good healers for teamfights to last. I like it anyway though.
0/8/12 best solo flag return.
not gonna cover imp sap or imp kick but those arw nice utility.


Realistically every build but imp scorch is support forst dps second. Know your role. Once the gear exists for 600+ shatters then you can dps.


Aff: aoe damage. Dot everyone, curse removal and dispels are expensive. sb on nightfalls. I physically facepalm when I see a lock dot one person and try to fear it in a teamfight and get cs'd.
Instead of mana sponging their heals you become the sponge. Stop it.

I don't care what spec you are, freedom wars rogues and hunters instead of yourself. Let them snare your target instead of matching the speed of your target as he runs back to his team. Bop healers mages and locks. Loh when it matters or pisses someone you know off, then its worth. Flash of light sucks vs any real damage at 29, learn to HL.

Shamans: Poison cleanse shit. Tremor instantly when you see someone in a fear. Purge. Snare.

STOP PLAYING ARMS, IT IS ASS. 2h 20 fury phowl + enrage. Get with the times. Phowl like its your only button, that shits op.

Hunters: Stop moving more than you have to, its the only way to be a bad hunter and yet so many people do this. You arent dpsing when youre moving constantly. Don't spam max arcane. Use frost not freezing.

Druid: you arent dps without imp shred. Heal or FC if you arent.

Probably forgot a class but whatever.

Also good healers are needed on both sides or its gonna be 100% about flag ninjaing which is boring.

Re: 20-29 Thread

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:27 pm
by Sham
Thats strange advice about hunter. Hunters are the most mobile dps class and you say "stop moving". I move all the time actually. Its just important to know speed timing of your weapon to step for a second for auto and move again. Also in my opinion at 29 surv is the way to go. Survivability is everything and +10% health, deterrence and improved wingclip are just too good to trade them for abit more ranged dmg and aimed shot. I also melee alot on my hunter. Its a waste not to with +20% crit on raptor strike and high damage 2hander. 500+ RS crits are a nice finisher.