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by Ashmane » Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:29 pm

I don't know about others, but PvP incredibly annoys me, It never was appealing to me, and even if I love this server I find it incredibly frustrating that I have to be killed 300 times because some douche wanted to kill me instead of just leveling, like I am trying to do.

Could there be a way to set ourselves with an on/off PvP buttons, In retail you can choose this by joining a normal server or a PvP server. I mean this is suppose to be a Vanilla server and Vanilla was not about the PvP but about the raiding. Maybe if there could be an option at the beginning of the game to be a character who is affected by this or not. Making this choice once and you would not be able to go back to a Ganking/gankable character.

I have no idea if this is doable, but I am sure it would be a fair way to please both types of players who want to experience your awesome server.

Re: PvP

by Ghostly » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:22 pm

These threads pop up so often it might as well be considered trolling.
all is now dark
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Re: PvP

by Shiggs13 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:37 pm

"Vanilla was not about the PvP." Lol
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Re: PvP

by jsb » Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:56 pm

How about opening a second Nostalrius realm which is a PvE server? Population seems high enough for a 2nd server.
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Re: PvP

by Xaroba » Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:13 pm

A second server would destroy this community. I hope they will NEVER do that. I've never had this much fun in years playing world of warcraft. People everywhere, everyone greets you, invites you to group, friendly general chat etc.
Also OP you can group up and quest with more people and fight the opposite faction if they attack you.

Re: PvP

by Ivina » Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:08 pm

Xaroba wrote:A second server would destroy this community. I hope they will NEVER do that. I've never had this much fun in years playing world of warcraft. People everywhere, everyone greets you, invites you to group, friendly general chat etc.
Also OP you can group up and quest with more people and fight the opposite faction if they attack you.

You mean it has a small risk. It isn't certain at all it would arm the community. Theorically there is enough people to have 2 seevers with "high" pop status.
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