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Re: Regarding 1x Experience Rate.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:43 pm
by Insignia
Rhoen wrote:Insignia while I respect your opinion I'd prefer 1x only =), personally I came here with the hopes that it would be more difficult etc.

That's your personal opinion, and that's absolutely fine. Leveling isn't a challenge in terms of skill, it's nothing but a challenge of patience. A time-consuming barrier, which a majority can't stand, people who has been leveling on multiple other server at any version of the game.

The only group of people who will find leveling in vanilla at 1x even remotely challenging in terms of skill, would be people who has either never played vanilla before or haven't played vanilla since retail vanilla.

There's not much difference between 1x and 2x, the "bonding" between the player and character still has the same effect. It's just a little bit faster, which gives a majority the push they need to endure through the content once again. And dungeons at 1x rate aren't that viable as most people will just preffer to continue questing instead of spending time getting to an instance. 2x could even provide the multiplication needed to make dungeons far more viable aswell.

There's really no downside to such a feature, other than a group of minority 1x/blizzlike knights moaning and threatening to leave the server if this gets implemented. Where else will they go? To some no-name 1x stock mangos server with a playerbase of 100?

I don't get why people get so worked up about wether someone has the option level a little bit faster than them. It's optional, it's shouldn't affect them. The majority of the scene has been around for some time and is sick and tired of repetitively leveling up, and would want a faster experience than the default 1x.
Which is where the 2x acts as a middlemaker, to attract a majority of the wide audience of the scene.

Re: Regarding 1x Experience Rate.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:47 am
by Enrage
If the staff decides it's x1 rate, be aware it would be so. And it's already decided imo.

Re: Regarding 1x Experience Rate.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:40 am
by Cloud
Taken from Admin's Annoucement

What is the rate ?
Rate will be like on retail : x1 for experience, gold, etc.

How about the low level content ?
Leveling can be sometimes difficult, and if the content is not in line with retail, it can easily turn into a nightmare. We gave a particular attention to this critical part to increase Vanilla immersion.

Topic Closed , I Guess ? ;)

Re: Regarding 1x Experience Rate.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:02 am
by Kratuzov
Insignia in mean time you are telling us we are speaking about whole community when we use words as US what are YOU doing? You are doing the same... Honestly i think more ppl came here because they knew it will be 1x.... More people than people that thought they will change it to their picture.

Re: Regarding 1x Experience Rate.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:26 am
by Gabgab
does anyone actually take that guy serious? lmao

Re: Regarding 1x Experience Rate.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:30 am
by Agency
Kratuzov wrote:Insignia in mean time you are telling us we are speaking about whole community when we use words as US what are YOU doing? You are doing the same... Honestly i think more ppl came here because they knew it will be 1x.... More people than people that thought they will change it to their picture.

He's talking about a wide community thats not yet reached, because of the small community that is looking for this rare 1x experience that wont exist. U cant experience Blizzlike with 100 players playing 1x rates. I've said this in a reply before.. start reading all reply's instead of just moaning at Insignia.

And for the people who say theirs no 1x rate servers, i can find atleast 3 servers with 1x rates that are stuck at 100-200 player base.

Nostalrius can ofcourse stick to 1x, have 100-200 players.
Or they can man up against the 100-200 players, say sorry but we're going for a wide audience and apply 1-2x rates. And give the server a chance to actually have a blizzlike experience with 1500+ players.

Gabgab wrote:does anyone actually take that guy serious? lmao

Not taking you serious thats for sure.

Re: Regarding 1x Experience Rate.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:40 am
by Kratuzov
Those server you are talking about dont have enough players either because they just started or because they are bugged as hell :-) People want to go here beause it will be bugfree and because it will be blizzlike as much as possible. And I honestly dont understand what is everyone talking about here because it was already told that it will be blizzlike as much as it can be. They will not change it because there are 2 people on forum that want to have more. There is noone in this topic except you two.

EDIT: Btw best option would be to wait for some Dev or GM or moderator for his opinion and lets stop this hate there is between us.
There is no reason to continue this topic i will not change your mind and you will not change mine.

Re: Regarding 1x Experience Rate.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:42 am
by Agency
Bugged or just started?
Most of these servers are also better scripted than the most higher xp rate servers.
And the once i'm talking about exist for 3+ years.

Re: Regarding 1x Experience Rate.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:06 am
by Cloud
Most of these servers are also better scripted than the most higher xp rate servers.
And the once i'm talking about exist for 3+ years.

Is not that it make +3 years that it well scrypted ...
Depend of the team who scrypte it.

Nostalrius is doing is best to perfectly scrypt ALL the content, and this is New in the comunity of Private Server. I think the most of people that is interested about this project ( like me ) it's because of the QUALITY and the HONESTY , the SERIOUS, of this team since the begining. They said something, they did it.

They said x1 rate they did it.
They said Dugeons and Raid with no Bug they did in part and they will do it fine.

It's for this serious, for regularity and timeline well done that we are here.

So if you wana change theire scrypt, if you wanna change theire attitude you don't want a good and strong server, but another private server with +500 loliguys.

My opinion.

Re: Regarding 1x Experience Rate.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:33 am
by Agency
I'm not asking them to change attitude, I'm asking them if they want to have a 100-200 hardocre player community.
Or put these 100-200 players inside a 1500 community that also allows nostalgic people that are now married and work full time to play their server.