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Re: Make a second PvP server.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:07 am
by Kazuma
The chinese community is only a minority of the population, therefor splitting the community and making a server only for them is a terrible idea. I do think tough we need a second PvP server. Nostalrius PvP is obviously overloaded and at peaktimes its unplayable. Especially for melee this lag is devastating.

Re: Make a second PvP server.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:08 am
by BeastNips
If you're starting from scratch anyway then why not just move to another server? There are other blizzlike servers with as good if not better scripting.

Re: Make a second PvP server.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:37 am
by Kazuma
If you got the resources and development skills.

Make 2-3 new PvP servers, the exact same patch/scripts to which anyone can migrate to.
-Nostalrius PvP (Nordic/Western)
-Nostalrius PvP (Eastern)
-Nostalrius PvP (NA)

Then make a cross realm BG queue/instance system. If possible cross realm GM system.

If there would be three servers, at peak time there would be in a perfect setting 3-4k on each realm.

Terrible idea to make regional server(s). One additional PvP server would suffice and maybe allow for a couple weeks a character transfer for those willing.

Highly popular servers such as Molten used this concept in the past and they have several servers with a spread load of 6-8k pop on each realm.

Re: Make a second PvP server.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:54 am
by propergamer1978
Heya nostalrius, I just wanna put in my input from an asian's point of view.

DISCLAIMER: this is my own train of thought, and I don't represent the chinese population at all.

I started playing on the 3rd day of server opening following the hype train from feenix, and during the first 3 months we had a very comfortable 1-2k chinese populations here(remember, we sleep when you play) and probably only 5 chinese guilds across both factions, with a pretty average median of quitters and newcomers. A small percentage of these 1.5k players were forced to interact with the bigger parts of the population on asking for water, joining BGs, actually using english translators to try and sell their gear and get some form of communications across to their target audience when we couldn't find what we need inside the chinese community.

But then super popular private server streamers (less than 5 of them, I forgot) with a massive audience started playing, and from that point onwards all hell went loose and shit hits the fan. Its safe to say that an average chinese gamer stays online longer than the general population. If 2 hours for you is casual, then 3-4 hours for us is casual for instance, and with the huge explosion on Nostalrius awareness, it attracted a huge amount of hive-minded chinese here. And now we're sustainable. We can get food/water/portals/enchants from our playerbase, we can trade amongst our community, and more importantly, we have a huge demand for IRL CASH for gold/herbs because supply < demand and a very healthy chinese playerbase.

And this problem will persist and continue to grow. Chinese don't get bored of a game easily. Us early asian pioneers are also shaking our head at the state of the server, of how "Nostalrius have turned into ANOTHER chinese private server". The developers will have to ponder my main point, that the influx of chinese will grow faster than chinese that quit playing.

If you were to open up another server, you can probably entice 20% asian playerbase to leave for the new server and it still won't solve the issue., because us HIVEMINDS love where the crowds are and the current auction house economy. For example my guild wouldn't leave the current PVP server if a new server opens up. Even if you can get 50% of us to move to a new realm, evetually the old realm will still get filled back up.

More of us are coming, and we're not leaving.

You (Nostalrius project masterminds) should really discuss in-depth on how you should deal with this situation.

Thank you. I just want this server to blossom, instead of becoming more toxic, and eventually wither and die like how feenix did. (stepping off the soapbox)

Re: Make a second PvP server.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:39 am
by Sharax
Propergrammer, that was a very interesting and informative post.

Perhaps you can share the names of these popular streamers and where they stream. This may be of interest to our WPvPers. :)

Re: Make a second PvP server.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:37 pm
by am0n
propergamer1978 wrote:...more importantly, we have a huge demand for IRL CASH for gold/herbs because supply < demand and a very healthy chinese playerbase.

Are you suggesting all Chinese Players should be suspected of RMT?

Re: Make a second PvP server.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:32 pm
by vel19
maybe some one could post the streams that are so popular to China? I will pay good money if we can camp them 24/7 and make them want to leave the server

Re: Make a second PvP server.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:05 pm
by Relikk
Leveling can be quite tedious at the best of times but, when there's so many people on the server and all bunched into the same leveling zones (and most of them seem to be Chinese) then leveling becomes frustrating and wastes an enormous amount of time. I'm not pushed for time by any means but, you find yourself standing around a lot, waiting for mobs to spawn then for another bunch of people to come along and pick off the mobs that have respawned. It's pretty painful.

I played on pretty high pop Classic servers when it was current in '05/'06 and I'm struggling to think of a time when these situations constantly happened. I'm not here long but, even I can see that another server is badly needed.

Re: Make a second PvP server.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:04 pm
by Kruglife
As someone who re-rolled the pve server, to avoid the crowds and being behind in gearing / gold-making, I'm really hoping to hear an announcement soon about a new pvp server. I know a lot of people are itching to get off the pve server but simply can't because the pvp server is unplayable to a newer crowd.

Re: Make a second PvP server.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:56 pm
by Kazuma
Can we please have some staff involvement in this.. this issue is obviously BIG :cry: