Have you consider set a server in asian?

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Have you consider set a server in asian?

by cnzjs » Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:05 pm

as you know there is a lot player of this game in China,but we tried so many private server,all chinese private server have too many bugs,good private server is in too much far from China,so the ping is nearly 300-500(with proxy or VPN),taht's too high for a game,PVE may can play,but PVP?dont even think about it.

We really love this game.really.

Re: Have you consider set a server in asian?

by mike1097 » Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:10 pm

I really dont think the asian nostalrius player base is big enough for that. Also I dont really think the devs planned something in this direction.
but thats only my thought
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Re: Have you consider set a server in asian?

by Hatson » Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:17 pm

Of course the devs want as many people playing on their server as possible, no matter where in the world they are from.
But I don't think the devs are going to move the servers from France at any time (or make new ones).. Not only is it expensive, but a lot of hassle as well. It's not really a realistic idea for people that get no money for their free time work on Nostalrius. (At least as far as we, the community, know of)

And ping is always an issue in those situations. I for example can't play on some US privates from where I live, 300 ping is unplayable PvP for me. And I can't play without my PvP.

There was already another thread on this forum from another Chinese player, asking what the ping on Nostalrius would be for him, and I can only give you same advice as people gave him.
This reddit thread talks about it: http://www.reddit.com/r/wowservers/comm ... a_servers/

And in-case Reddit is blocked in China: http://puu.sh/g86uj/ecf571b720.png

However, testing those pings might not really mean anything, as it will be a lot more reliable to try when the server actually goes live so you know for sure what to ping to see if it will be playable for you or not.
I myself got around 70-80 ping on the previous tests they had.
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Re: Have you consider set a server in asian?

by Nain » Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:43 pm

I thought that the Chinese would remain where they were.. I was mistaken. rip. the invasion begins.
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Re: Have you consider set a server in asian?

by Guirssane » Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:13 am

Nain wrote:I thought that the Chinese would remain where they were.. I was mistaken. rip. the invasion begins.

ss sarcasm
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