Permanent or Temporary 2nd Realm

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Permanent or Temporary 2nd Realm

by Insignia » Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:26 am

With the current amount of people and static non-blizzlike respawn time of 10 minutes, aswell as disconnects every 10-30 seconds. It's just too much.

Either create a second realm permanently, or temporarily and merge them togheter at a later point, where characters from the 2nd realm gets flagged for rename, etc.
Rogue God
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Re: Permanent or Temporary 2nd Realm

by Lavos » Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:05 am


There haven't been any DC's outside of a bad 1 hour stretch yesterday lol

Re: Permanent or Temporary 2nd Realm

by Penumbra » Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:53 pm

Dont keep the community huge if its stable
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Re: Permanent or Temporary 2nd Realm

by Megumi » Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:00 pm

I agree, nostalrius crew should take this matter seriously. I can't quest at all. Some quests are just impossible to do. I will stop playing for good, probably, unless staff does something that makes sense. So many things that were promised and advertised so far that aren't true.
I hope you guys even read this. Cause honestly, I don't know why things aren't getting better when you guys promise a quality server. I don't know if it's possible, but the most simple thing to do, is to just reduce the respawn timer. Just do it. I guess it's not possible, else you would have done it, since this is a quality server.
Anyway, do something, I'm losing my mind playing on your server.
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Re: Permanent or Temporary 2nd Realm

by Im2flow » Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:34 pm

I don't understand why everyone is crying about leveling and the Dc's, they have given us a free server that is scripted amazing with very minor bugs and your complaint is there is too many people playing... Who complains about things that keep the game going? If you don't want to have to grind like everyone else go play Duty where there is no grind.

Re: Permanent or Temporary 2nd Realm

by LegendaryRonnie » Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:59 pm

Have to agree, it is unbearable trying to quest and level with that many people around.A shame that the server's launch was held back by the butt-clenching "blizzlike" mentality, what is more infuriating is that it should have been good.

Re: Permanent or Temporary 2nd Realm

by drevan » Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:43 pm

After level 10 is fine. There are so many (Elite) quests that you need groups for. After lvl 15 i had no problem Farming my quests. and lvl 20 areas are empty.
Just bite your teeth for the first 10 levels and you should be fine. Level your professions in the downtime.
I prefer it this way.

With increased spawn rate it would be impossible to farm areas like mines or forts. By the time you kill 2 mobs the others behind will spawn, you will be of flanked and dead all the time.
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Re: Permanent or Temporary 2nd Realm

by Simonich » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:44 pm

Disagreed. Huger population is always better in a single server
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Permanent or Temporary 2nd Realm

by Moebius » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:52 pm

Omg just wait a few days before making such requests.
"I may have been raised by humans, but I'm no fool."
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