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More Advertisement

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:20 am
by Azalus

That's a website that allows for free advertisement of private servers.

If one of the developers has some time they might want to set up something for Nostalrius. It asks for some specific information, otherwise I would try to do it.

Re: More Advertisement

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:34 pm
by Drain
Doubt it'll get much attention, but it can't hurt. The few Classic servers on the site have nothing vs Nostalrius.

Re: More Advertisement

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:01 am
by James Goblin
Speaking of advertisement, Nostalrius is virtually invisible to average passer-by, such as me (I left woW to AoC then WAR some 6 years ago). I accidentally stumbled over it during second day of randomly looking for Vanilla WoW info - and I really invested lots of time into it, which is probably atypical for someone just wanting to taste Vanilla again.
Simply Googling Vanilla WoW, or, for example, WoW Reddit/Vanilla WoW Reddit will typically give names such as Kronos, Rebirth, Feenix etc. while Nostalrius is nowhere to be seen in the first few pages of search results (and I believe that great majority of your potential ˝customers˝ won´t even reach second page).
The invisibility continues if one checks some specific links, again for example ˝Reddit Vanilla WoW Private Server˝ will give the aforementioned ˝well known˝ names in the titles, with people advertising/recommending this or that one inside - for example, one random (?) guy advertising Kronos was 3rd title from the top when I checked.
Of course, I took Reddit just to illustrate, the invisibility repeats itself everywhere, and you know very well what that can do to the future of your little project.

Re: More Advertisement

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:14 am
by WindyCastle
I see Nostalrius on the first google result page for "WoW Vanilla" / "Wow vanilla private server".
But for sure they should advertise more on Reddit.

Re: More Advertisement

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:37 pm
by James Goblin
Our googling is, AFAIK, in some way affected by our search history, which might be the reason you have it on your first page (together with, probably, anybody from the project itself), my initial search results were as I described them.

PS on second check, I also have Nostalrius on my first page of, say, ˝WoW Vanilla˝ now, after joining the forum and checking site & what others have to say about it numerous times. Unfortunately, what I see now is irrelevant, and can only create dangerous illusion that everything is OK advertisement-wise.

User Purged

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:33 pm
by Tanks