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Balance of factions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:52 am
by Arakarahm
Hi, I would like to talk to you about the difference in population between the Horde and the Alliance.

First of all I want to say that I play on the side of the horde, and that since vanilla WoW official but also nostalrius (arrived in 2012), so this is not to attract the wrath of the players from the horde.

I noticed that a lot of people playing on the side of the Horde at the expense of the Alliance, to see the difference during this beta test it just enough to see the number of people in Orgrimmar compared to Ironforge, the difference was blatant, Ironforge was empty compared to Orgrimmar.

For battlefield inscriptions (queue) again the difference is too obvious in Warsong, Arathi often there are about 20 people of the horde and alliance 0 person.

Similarly in the battlefield join an Arathi Basin (the side of the Alliance) and locked to spawn and lose 3/4 bases or 4 because balancing is done too late for lack of effective on the side of the Alliance. Having tried both factions, I can tell you it not fun to won 4-0 against a disadvantaged team.

Another example you just have to not be blind, the recruitment of the horde and alliance sections on the forum, the difference is clearly visible ...

This is my opinion, and being a player of the horde I think I can allow me to make this comment.

And those who will say that it will not change the balance of factions in PVE or PVP, frankly you're in bad faith.

So if the issue is to do like other private server, join the most popular faction (which in the future will gain the most battlefield or the most advanced in PVE) ... no comment

Otherwise I provides developers several different things and if other people have solutions to this problem are expressing here.

I propose several ideas:
- A queue only for the faction redundant with authorized accounts for one faction, the challenge wouldn't be to have a population 50/50 but can limit too big a gap between the two factions, for random example I would say set a queue from 60/40.

- Not able to change the battlefield in a battlefield, it would delete the registered queue of other battlefield once we joined into one, it would avoid having reduced battlefields with appearance of Alterac for example.

- ( Optional ) The increase in the duration for deserters from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, it would avoid having to desert with 30min wait for the deserter it would be much more of a deterrent than current 15min.

- And finally a greater margin of entry spots for triggering the battlefield (except for Alterac), for example at random instead of 5 registrants, triggering the battlefield from 6, 7 .. registrants in order to replace any 'afk' and have more chance of a battlefield full.

These ideas would first reduce excessive population for a faction and encourage a person, guild, playing in the opposing camp for the balance of server and secondly better management of the battlefields, certainly a little more long to triggering, but also more balanced.

Re: Balance of factions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:20 pm
by cardk
I think most people choose Horde these days, because they thinkthat the horde is somehow better than the Alliance, in terms of maturity etc, but I doubt that is the case anymore, if it ever was. Consider this (People who pick horde for that reason): Most people who join a 1x experience 1.12.1 server probably do so because they liked it the most, when they played it in retail. That means most people are are probably at least 20 years old. Just join the Alliance, if you want fair BGs / PvE clearing times.

Re: Balance of factions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:24 pm
by Envy
It's kind of true, however, the deserter debuff is painful enough @ 15 minutes, sometimes you just have no choice (yes, it happens) and it's a lot of time, especially when it's caused by bugs (that happens too.) So it's a no for me on this one.

About your other ideas, I neither agree nor disagree with them. However there is currently a problem, that is for sure.

Re: Balance of factions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:34 pm
by sprosh
I'm also very concerned by the alliance lacking of pvp players but your ideas seem rather extreme. And the fact that it's not blizzlike may repel people. Something like a poll on the homepage of the website/forum about the faction choice would help.

Re: Balance of factions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:27 pm
by Arakarahm
@Envy, I agree with you for the duration of deserters that's why I put (optional) as it doesn't change much more for balancing

@Sprosh, I do not think my ideas are so far apart for the idea deserters I confess.
A poll for the faction choice is a good idea, but after the survey if the imbalance is too raise I think the other ideas are a good solution.
So yes of course it's not Blizzlike but we are not on the official or the same time before.
Either we do something against imbalance is for the good of all the players.
Or we remain 110% Blizzlike and we accept to see a faction abandoned by players.
We will see during the start of the server even if I'm worried.
but do not forget to do well pvp requires two factions and not a single dominant.

Ps: Because of that I think playing in the Alliance.

Re: Balance of factions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:53 pm
by Floux
Another idea could be to sell potions that will give you something like x3 xp only for the faction which is the very less popular. With some kind of advertisement on the Web site so people could choose their faction seeing that.

Yes it is not blizzlike...

Re: Balance of factions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:42 pm
by Koopa
I'd assume the majority of players went horde for the pvp test because it's the better pvp faction. I don't think implementing any "custom incentives" is even necessary. When the server releases, and with it the PvE content, population issues will sort themselves out for the most part.

By the look of the guild recruitment page, the spread seems pretty even so far.

Re: Balance of factions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:28 pm
by alucard001
Floux wrote:Another idea could be to sell potions that will give you something like x3 xp only for the faction which is the very less popular. With some kind of advertisement on the Web site so people could choose their faction seeing that.

Yes it is not blizzlike...

No , i play human warrior, and i dont want x3 exp, for no one. This server must be completely blizzlike!!!!

Re: Balance of factions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:43 pm
by Aquane
keep it blizzlike

no retarded xp boosts, no changes to the deserter debuff, and if the factions are imbalanced then we can just encourage people to reroll with the other faction; the only thing that should be needed regarding this is a faction population meter like rebirth had before they died, which showed the population between alliance and horde on their main page; though ours should only show players above level 1 that have logged in in the past 2 weeks

Re: Balance of factions

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:01 pm
by Alterego
Aquane wrote:keep it blizzlike

no retarded xp boosts, no changes to the deserter debuff, and if the factions are imbalanced then we can just encourage people to reroll with the other faction; the only thing that should be needed regarding this is a faction population meter like rebirth had before they died, which showed the population between alliance and horde on their main page; though ours should only show players above level 1 that have logged in in the past 2 weeks