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Not taking player suggestions seriously.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 4:00 pm
by Mythodiir
I've just registered for the forums, and I've read through some of the player suggestions, and almost all of them are really bad. I understand listening to the people who will or won't make the server a success, but I honestly don't think they understand the effect that their suggestions would have on the server if implemented. Seriously guys, just make the server as Blizz-like as possible. My own suggestion would be keeping teleportation to a minimum, I want a real open world. Hearthstones and BG queue (even though if it were up to me I'd axe BGs as well) are tolerable because they were actually Blizz-like.

Re: Not taking player suggestions seriously.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:33 pm
by Hatson
That's what they've been doing so far: Keeping it Blizzlike. If you read their responses, you'd see they're pretty stern and decisive on that factor.

Re: Not taking player suggestions seriously.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:06 pm
by Drain
You can't stop players from suggesting what they want. You just have to do the opposite of what Blizzard did after BC and "not" pay attention to them. That sounds bad, but it's usually what's best for a game. Blizzard didn't do this, especially after BC, so look where this got you. Fortunately, Nostalrius is aiming to recreate Classic, so I doubt they will be paying attention to anyone that wants the game changed to do something Classic didn't do itself. Most of what you can complain about from Classic was already fixed in BC, which was really the highpoint of WoW's life. After that though, Blizzard started going willy nilly on the game, doing whatever any lazy, impatient, or plain bad player asked for the game.

Re: Not taking player suggestions seriously.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:50 pm
by Mythodiir
Hatson wrote:That's what they've been doing so far: Keeping it Blizzlike. If you read their responses, you'd see they're pretty stern and decisive on that factor.

That's great to hear.

Drain wrote:You can't stop players from suggesting what they want. You just have to do the opposite of what Blizzard did after BC and "not" pay attention to them. That sounds bad, but it's usually what's best for a game. Blizzard didn't do this, especially after BC, so look where this got you. Fortunately, Nostalrius is aiming to recreate Classic, so I doubt they will be paying attention to anyone that wants the game changed to do something Classic didn't do itself. Most of what you can complain about from Classic was already fixed in BC, which was really the highpoint of WoW's life. After that though, Blizzard started going willy nilly on the game, doing whatever any lazy, impatient, or plain bad player asked for the game.

That really was the downfall of Blizzard. If you're the GM of a tabletop game, for example, input from your players is valuable, no doubt, but you don't do what they want. They're the people you're providing a challenging and rewarding experience for. Blizzard went from that, to fulfilling the player's fantasies, and to a degree that's what the game was always there to do, but when you remove so many elements of what made any of that exciting or rewarding it losses its meaning. I've played MoP, and there are things you can enjoy, but overall the game has lost what made it good. It's become an amusement park where you just click a button, and you go from one ride to another for a bit of no nonsense, no commitment, purely ethereal "fun".

Frankly, it's a shell of its former self, and it's sad to see a once great game stoop so low. It's like a restaurant going from serving really nice sit down meals, to becoming a fastfood drive-thru. We can talk about the merits and negative things about both, but the main issue is that an establishment has gone from one sort of eatery to another and completely alienated its previous clientele. There are other places providing the same thing, they're a dime a dozen, why not preserve a genuinely unique and worthwhile experience? Then again, Blizzard's just a company, and it seems success has changed them.

Re: Not taking player suggestions seriously.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:13 am
by Hatson
I completely, and absolutely agree with you on that statement, Mythodiir. It's as if I had wrote that myself, and I have written about this topic and argued with many since 2010.
I'm a very passionate and straight forward person, and I wouldn't have had it put any other way.

P.S. - Happy New Year everyone. :)

Re: Not taking player suggestions seriously.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:25 am
by Drain
Being the GM of a tabletop game is a good reference for what you should do with any video game, and why you shouldn't just give players whatever they want.