Monster Spawns

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Monster Spawns

by pqpqpq » Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:37 am

To my knowledge no private server has implemented the shared mob spawns and adjusted respawn timers.

The way shared spawns have worked since launch is: if eg. camp had 3 types of Furbolgs, they'd all share the same spawns. If you killed one on any spawn, any of the 3 types could respawn. The way all private servers work is that all different types of mobs have their own spawns and if you kill a "Furbolg Shaman" a "Furbolg Shaman" respawns in its place. This has resulted to a lot of annoyances with quests, where the quest mobs only have a couple spawns in the camp, when they're supposed to be sharing the camp's all 20 spawns.

The other is respawn timers adjusting to the number of players in the area killing the mobs. The more the players killing, the faster the mobs respawn. This has also been implemented since launch IIRC and I don't think I've noticed it on any private server. Especially annoying with a lot people camping a quest boss, say during a server launch.

Both of these work similarly for resource nodes like herbs, but I don't have any specifics on how they're supposed to work. Herbs are supposed to be a lot more random than they are on any private server regardless.

The first one always sticks out like a sore thumb and reminds your brain "This is a private server and not retail.." It would be pretty huge step for private servers to set the standard for these things.

Re: Monster Spawns

by Youfie » Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:48 pm

Do you have any proof regarding the faster-respawn-rate-if-there-are-lots-of-players-in-the-area ?
I'm not sure a such frature existed during Vanilla, but I might be mistaken.

Regarding the plants, it' sont exactly how you describe it. More players in an area doesn't mean more Ore / Herbs spawns. It's just that there should be a minimal amount of spawned herbs / ores at a given time in a given area, so that if all nodes are collected, other ones in the zone instantly repop, regardless of their individual repop cooldown. This doesn't stand for Black Lotuses of course.
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Re: Monster Spawns

by Wraith§Reaver » Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:52 pm

I second this.
I always found the matter as a "mindset breaking" thing, while doing quest, and I would like to know more about it.
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Re: Monster Spawns

by Iosephus » Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:48 am

I'm pretty sure spawn timers were increased during retail release, at least initially. The Burning Blade cave in the starting zone spawned ridiculously fast, people were getting wrecked and Tiragarde Keep was pretty hectic. I had to wait for some guildmates before I went in the keep because they'd respawn in like 20 seconds.

Re: Monster Spawns

by mrmr » Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:40 am

I'm pretty sure hunters were wearing plate during retail release, at least initially.
I'm not root of myself.
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Re: Monster Spawns

by kovenant » Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:55 am

about the herbs, for me they dont appear linked to the amount of players,
more linked to the area ( quality of the herb you might say) lower lvl areas have a quicker respawn time then higher lvl areas have.
if i was farming for Thorium ore i knew where and approx when a thorium vein would spawn in what specific area.
Yes i know thats kinda geekish but i was one of the major collectors of arcane crystals on the server for creating the thunderfury with everything hand farmed.
so for crafting materials it seems to me that the respawn time is between ** & ** time, and not influenced by amount of players, else you would just farm with your guild in a certain area for half an hour and everyone has their bags filled.

about npc's in vanilla at some point or during TBC i don't really recall, there was a shift that it "seemed" that the more npc's were killed the faster they would spawn. but not in such a fashion it would be twice that fast more like 10 - 20% faster. however this does require proof and not gut feeling.
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Re: Monster Spawns

by ShounenJump » Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:09 pm

An official reply would be a big help for this matter.
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Re: Monster Spawns

by kovenant » Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:47 pm

i read patchnote after patchnote and can't find anything related to global spawn rates, only for selective areas and dungeons or specific mobs(types)

i do find that on alot of private server the respawn time for especially low lvl resources like copper is horrible.
1 stack of copper ore a day ..
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Re: Monster Spawns

by Hush » Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:34 pm

The dynamic spawn rates for mobs was implemented when TBC launched. I remember it fairly well as it was a bit on overdrive some places. There doesn't seem to be a mention of it in any patch notes that I could find, a few blogs etc. from the time mentions it though as "the new thing".

"The big news though is that Blizzard has introduced new dynamic spawn rates for Outlands that changes the spawn rate for a Monster based on how many people are in the immediate mini-zone. So when there are 493 people camping the same named quest mob in Hellfire Peninsula on Jan 16, there will be an almost instantaneous respawn of the mob when it dies. "

Re: Monster Spawns

by Strife » Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:44 pm

I would really like if the dynamic spawning was implemented. I can already remember where all the types of monsters are spawned by default from playing on other servers, it's just one of those things that separates retail vanilla from private server vanilla.
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