A smell all to familliar!

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

A smell all to familliar!

by Kerfilicious » Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:52 am

Since there isn't a proper introduction thinga majig, I thought I'd leave a greeting here in the lobby.

I am what once was "the scourge of Stranglethornvale"! After mustering all my energy, I managed to get my rogue up to level 34 and FINALLY enjoy what was the glory of STV world pvp. Months passed, and I primarily got my xp from occasional instances, and the honorable slaughter of any and all who dared cross my path (unintentionally or otherwise).

I am indeed a thrill seeker. The joy of the hunt, and the solitude of the prowl. This is where I belong. As the server opens it's gates I will make my home a new in Stranglethornvale!

So yeah, cant tell you guys how happy I am about this! So to you, my fellow world PvPers, let me throw down the first glove in defiance of your percieved "leet skillz"! Many a corpse runs will be had, oh yes! Oh yes!

I will most certainly see you on the battlefield. :lol:

With most humble regards


Re: A smell all to familliar!

by Youfie » Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:49 am

Welcome aboard :)
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Re: A smell all to familliar!

by Hatson » Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:21 pm

STV is also one of my all-time favourite zones because of that aspect.
But which side are you on? Because if you don't talk Orcish, I'll be hunting you down. :twisted:
The White Blacksmith.
Sometimes I stream stuff: http://www.twitch.tv/travallama/
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Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: A smell all to familliar!

by Raidboss » Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:26 pm

Welcome friend'o
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Re: A smell all to familliar!

by Drain » Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:27 pm

I used to have a 29 Rogue dedicated to killing Alliance in Redridge, Duskwood, along with 30s in upper Stranglethorn. He never went up in level, and had some of the best items for his level. He also had a red defias mask, as I sometimes went to Westfall too. Good times, back when players were actually out in the world. Before this DF teleport BS, you had to actually go out in the world to quest, along with run to dungeons as well. There was none of this, "Well I don't want to get my shoes dirty or ever be at risk of dying to the enemy faction. I'll just sit here in a comfy chair in Stormwind and queue DF all day." Over use of teleporting to satisfy lazy players greatly ruined the game.
R I P: Untoten(29d, 12h), Schuss(54d, 10h), Bluten(27d, 8h), Angst(9d, 11h), Zauber(23d, 5h)
Retired from the Nost forums. Moved to Elysium. https://forum.elysium-project.org/index ... user=45003
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Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: A smell all to familliar!

by Kerfilicious » Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:55 pm

Hatson wrote:STV is also one of my all-time favourite zones because of that aspect.
But which side are you on? Because if you don't talk Orcish, I'll be hunting you down. :twisted:

You will have no quarrels with me friend, apart from the occasional ass w00pin at the gates of good ol' OG! ;D

Jokes aside, I can only agree to the sentiment that the current formula of just queing for anything and everything has really taken it's toll on the gaming community as a whole.

Oh and I KNOW my brothers and sisters want to have them some STV! Even the ones who just wanna "do this fucking quest without being ganked for ONCE" KNOWS they want it.

I cannot wait.. :'D

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