Does anyone else use Logitech products?

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Does anyone else use Logitech products?

by Quazzle » Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:13 pm

Hey, as some maybe noticed I tried anything to join the server and failed. :/
I maybe found another issue, but need to ask if someone else has a logitech product.
There ist the Logitech Gaming Software, I use version 8.46.27 (also in Virtual Box) and it has a feature to record pressed keys and press them again by pressing one button as well as other scripts.
I have the idea in my mind, that this is tracked by the anti cheat tool.
So does anyone else use this software/hardware combination or something like it. (Used for Logitech G13, G15 and G19)

Thanks for helping me,

Re: Does anyone else use Logitech products?

by cardk » Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:02 pm

I have G19, no problem here.
No member ever downed a raid boss, by dying for his guild. He killed the raid boss, by DPS'ing it down to zero.

- Mute
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Re: Does anyone else use Logitech products?

by Quazzle » Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:29 pm

What driver do you use?

You use any G Button macros? Scripts etc?
I am now pretty sure they are the issue

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