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Re: Guild Theorycraft NINJAS

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:05 pm
by Nomo
omg 30 sec rly? are u srsly in ur lie??? u will have 10 trade msgs in 30 sec at this daytime .... so shame for this guild of ninja liers

Re: Guild Theorycraft NINJAS

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:40 pm
by Imbaghost
So basically u are saying that u make deals right on boss fight? I guess it is not the best way to show perfmonce? I was myself in that particullar raid like a pug and that belt was on roll for like a minute.
And according to the rules u got only 10 seconds after posting item to roll on it with a priority to get it, otherwise it goes free for all.

Re: Guild Theorycraft NINJAS

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:50 pm
by Istaria
Nomo wrote:omg 30 sec rly? are u srsly in ur lie??? u will have 10 trade msgs in 30 sec at this daytime .... so shame for this guild of ninja liers

I don't know why you keep going on about the trade messages because unlike you think, they disprove your theory. If there was a huge gap between the last roll and item handout, there would actually be trade messages there, not on the contrary.

I'd also like to point out to you that somehow all the 10 or so other casters in the raid managed to roll well on time.

Re: Guild Theorycraft NINJAS

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:19 pm
by vathdaar
im a consistent buyer in theorycraft pugs and they re cool guys to hang with, never had any issue. and im talking about big quantities of guild and highquality gear. OP is just a salty kiddo from what i can read from both stories.


Re: Guild Theorycraft NINJAS

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 1:00 am
by Jipptomilly
I was also in this raid. I can confirm you rolled late. They were apologetic in TS despite it being your fault for rolling after everyone else stopped and the winner was confirmed in TS. There's no way you could possibly be dumb enough to actually think they 'ninjaed' it - or that they were intentionally trying to screw you over. If you rolled when the rest of us did you would have had the item.

If you find a guild that can host a pub that clears MC in 90 minutes and runs an extremely fair loot system, you should consider yourself lucky. Not try and smear their guild because you rolled late.