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Re: [H] Kwazorn's Friday PUG MC+Ony CLEAR [19.45 inviting]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:45 am
by Mariehu
Oh and on second note, after I left there were multiple people who whispered me and told me that they 100% understand why I left and that you're a 100% fkwad and they wouldn't want to go on another raid with you ever again. Because one doesn't do what you did, that is foul, disgusting. Eww I'm getting sick just thinking about you

Re: [H] Kwazorn's Friday PUG MC+Ony CLEAR [19.45 inviting]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:43 am
by zerf
For anyone that wasn't involved, here's situation overview:
1) in order to keep raid organized, this pug has several rules in place and if you break them, you get lootbanned. These rules are generally obvious screwups, like bombing raid on geddon, attacking wrong targets, not stacking on surgers (which is constantly reminded as a way to get lootban), etc. Typically raid reader calls out people for failing and if they still fail, they get lootbanned.
2) lootban is not for all raid, but you forfeit your next roll on an item
3) if you want to go afk, you wisper raid leader or be in a safe place/time to do so
4) This player decides to afk on a surger pack, without letting anyone know and not moving to a safe place
5) Everyone stacks on surger while this hunter obviously is standing outside and gets charged over and over
6) Raid leader calls him out multiple times and seeing that he's not responsive calls for lootban
7) After this, Hunter (player in question) says sorry for afk was on phone on TS and raid moves on (I guess he didn't hear he got lootbanned)
8) Raid reaches ragnaros and there's disusion about lootbans and this Hunter's lootban is mentioned
9) He throws a tantrum, screams like a child in TS and ninjapulls Ragnaros and leaves raid
10) Raid kills Ragnaros, we move on to Onyxia, this genius comes to TeamSpeak to verbally attack raidleader (gets banned, changes ip and comes again and gets banned second time. Don't recall if there was 3rd).

My subjective view on the matter - sometimes these decisions might seem a bit harsh, but failing to stack on surgers in this pug has always been reminded as a way to get lootban. Since this is a pug, there's no other form of punishment, no dkp to substract and so on. Frankly, this form of discipline is probably one of reasons why this pug is so succesful - super fast clear times with no wipes.

Instead of throwing a tantrum one could simply leave and not join it next week. Verbally attacking raidleader, ninjapulling and then harrasing on teamspeak multiple times is a big no-no.


Re: [H] Kwazorn's Friday PUG MC+Ony CLEAR [19.45 inviting]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:46 am
by Ycbshadow
What was the Hunter's name? Just want to make sure he doesn't accidentally get invited to my guild.

Re: [H] Kwazorn's Friday PUG MC+Ony CLEAR [19.45 inviting]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:16 am
by Dusith
Zerf basically sums up my own reasoning for this decision, thanks. Normal this raid takes just over 2 hours, without server crashes. I dont think its hard to ask people to focus for such a short amount of time. The last weeks raids everyone have perfectly been stacking on surgers, except for you Karre/Mariehu.

The point about greater fire protection potions for Geddon have already been discussed, and was changed after it. The fire protection potions I have been selling have been sold to UNDER market price, so just shut up. Yesterday I sold 3 before Ragnaros (which is the only boss we use them now) - Which just show how awesome those people who show now are. I think i sold 40-50 during the first weeks of this PUG, because people slacked.

TL:DR: Remind the raid leader you go afk, if you are hunter, definately feign death, you fucked up and take the punishment. If you had told me you was afk, no problem, we would have stacked on you even.

Re: [H] Kwazorn's Friday PUG MC+Ony CLEAR [19.45 inviting]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:18 am
by Dusith
About 10 loot bans have been giving in about 9 weeks of MC raiding, and you are the first one to ever make such drama about it, I think this show more about you than me. Grow up and learn the consequences of your actions.

EDIT: Karre you forgot to tell that after your left the raid, you started the Ragnaros event before the raid was ready, and sent me five whisper that I dont want to show here.

Re: [H] Kwazorn's Friday PUG MC+Ony CLEAR [19.45 inviting]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:07 pm
by Mariehu
I tried to have a normal convo with this dude on TS. I was away for not more than 15 seconds, and nobody informs me about no lootban until two and a half hours later? You think I would have stayed and helped you noobs out for 2½ hours if I knew there were nothing for me in it? No, the person acting wrong in this matter are YOU and YOU only.
Now grow the fuck up and realise this is just a freaking game

I generally feel very very sorry for you for not having more than 15seconds of real life every 3 hours. Fkn computernerd kid - Grow up, that's all I have to tell you

The whispers I sent, you may post here if you really want to show people what I think about you and people like you, cause that's the only things I said in those whispers, which I am very very proud of and still stand for. Please share

A normal guy would have answered me on TS when I said "Hey phone rang I'm back sry for that"
- No answer.
- Nobody died on this solo surger, I was even back before it died, no lava or nothing was close.

- 2½ hours later he claims I'm loot banned because of what had happened there. After I had stayed in the raid and killed bosses and helped them out. Shitty style man - very shitty style. I then again tried to have a nomal conversation about this on TS, but this guy really seems like he has brain damage or his mother just intentionally dropped him as hard as she could on rock pavement over and over when he was little. So in a bit of anger after he wasted 2½ hours of my life I started the raggy event and HS'ed out of there.

Oh and it wasn't me who went back on your TS and told the story about the retard on the forums who lost 6.6k gold ^^ It was a friend of mine who really really dislikes Kwazorn/Dusith (I don't know why, but now I do too)

Re: [H] Kwazorn's Friday PUG MC+Ony CLEAR [19.45 inviting]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:15 pm
by Dusith
You are the one not taking responsibility here, and you help everyone in the raid following our rules. If everyone in my group had your mentality, we would never have progressed to where we are now, and we would definately not clear faster and faster.

I will repeat myself, as you seem not to understand the issue here, everyone is free to go afk if there is a reason behind it, just take 2 sec to write in to the raid leader, and there is no problem.

Re: [H] Kwazorn's Friday PUG MC+Ony CLEAR [19.45 inviting]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:18 pm
by Mariehu
Still, you acted wrong. Tell me that I can't roll on next item when I'm back, not before last boss.

And if you can't cope with someone picking up a phone for 10-15sec I generally feel very very veeeeeeery sad for your sorry life

I take full responisbility of answeing my work phone when I thought it was safe cause we had just cleared a pack, was before a boss and people were drinking. Work phone rings - takes me 10sec approx to go get it a few feet away and then go back and talk while at the comp. Yeah, I would have answered the work call any time I felt it was safe to do so. And if some rule was applied I would have liked to hear it directly

Please give me a valid reason to why you did not tell me I was lootbanned earlier? One valid reason is all I wanna hear, because I know there exists none at all

Re: [H] Kwazorn's Friday PUG MC+Ony CLEAR [19.45 inviting]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:30 pm
by Datruth
Mariehu wrote:Now grow the fuck up and realise this is just a freaking game

Fkn computernerd kid - Grow up, that's all I have to tell you

The whispers I sent, you may post here if you really want to show people what I think about you and people like you, cause that's the only things I said in those whispers, which I am very very proud of and still stand for. Please share

So in a bit of anger after he wasted 2½ hours of my life I started the raggy event and HS'ed out of there.

You should follow your own advice mate. All I'm reading is you being unreasonably mad over a computer game and screwing 39 people over just because 1 of them "pissed you off", even though the mistake clearly was on you.

You're priest classleader in your guild, but you're a shadow priest even though there are only 8 debuff slots. :lol:
I feel sorry for anyone who ever have to spend time in your company.

Also, L2Feign death, would have saved you 2½ hours ;)

Re: [H] Kwazorn's Friday PUG MC+Ony CLEAR [19.45 inviting]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:32 pm
by Dusith
Again, let me repeat myself 3rd time. You should of course answer your phone, just write one word fast: BRB.

I told you that you had got loot ban, when you did not stack, again i cannot take responsibility for you not listening.

We where 39 people ready to kill Ragnaros, not giving a fuck about you and your loot, that just wanted to end a shitty raid because of 3 server crashes on Domo.

I will not comment on your responses any further, whisper me ingame if you have anything intelligent to say.