LF some addons

LF some addons

by Nemjung » Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:46 am

Hello, im searching for a few addons.
Mostly I'd like a cooldown addon, which shows the CD numbers on each spell on the actionbars. Also I would like to have a addon that shows when I for example Parry I can use Riposte and that it shows on the screen like "RIPOSTE" remember having these on retail, dont know the name tho, I downloadede the nost addon pack but cant seem to find it there. If anyone have any tip I gladly take it, thanks!

Re: LF some addons

by Azonos » Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:36 am

The first is !Omni CooldownCount. The second can be done through Scrolling Combat Text (SCT). They are both in the addon pack.
Azonos 36 - PVE
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Re: LF some addons

by Fridolin » Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:50 am

Second one must something similiar like aurora. But i dont remember the old classic name of the addon...
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