Addon like Weak Aura?

Addon like Weak Aura?

by DDM » Fri May 29, 2015 8:27 am

i am new to vanilla servers and just started to get some basic addons.
One addon (on the normal blizz servers) that i am really used to is Weak Auras 2. Is there anything like this for classic? I can't remember if there was something like this for classic.
I already got the ~900 addon pack from the sticky but couldn't find one in there. Maybe i just passed it and didn't realize it is in there.

Side note: Is there someone who knows the character/player who's char is called Mepmep? I wanted to name my priest like this but the name was already taken. Would love to have it if it is only a twink not played or bank twink ... pm me in forum or ingame. Would be awesome.
Does somebody know the player Mepmep? Please contact me (PM/Ingame).

<DDM> Tauren Warrior (mining/enchanting)-Main lvling
<Mebmep> Undead Priest (tailoring)-lvling
<Woibadinga> Tauren Druid (herbalism/alchemy)-lvling

Re: Addon like Weak Aura?

by zebus » Fri May 29, 2015 12:04 pm

There is power auras, which was a precursor to weak auras, however, it was kind of limited, all it tracks is the presence and absence of buffs/debuffs on the player.

Re: Addon like Weak Aura?

by DDM » Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:06 am

Thanks for your answer.
I tested the addon.

Is it possible to use a spell as symbol or just these graphics from pa?
Does somebody know the player Mepmep? Please contact me (PM/Ingame).

<DDM> Tauren Warrior (mining/enchanting)-Main lvling
<Mebmep> Undead Priest (tailoring)-lvling
<Woibadinga> Tauren Druid (herbalism/alchemy)-lvling

Re: Addon like Weak Aura?

by Shyman » Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:25 pm

I know it has been a long time since it was reponded to this post, but here goes:
In the version compatible with the wow vanilla, it's a very basic addon.
So, no, you can't, only the graphics that are shown in the options.

And it works only with buffs and debuffs. (I know, it's a pity)
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