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Re: [Addon] Questie *v2.66* - A quest helper for vanilla!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:38 pm
by babichkata
with the new patch released quests can be turned in, however, the nil error still exists.
all in all, fine work but the error upon completing quests is annoying

Re: [Addon] Questie *v2.66* - A quest helper for vanilla!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:26 pm
by Dyaxler
Did you untrack all your quests before doing "/questie clearconfig"?

Re: [Addon] Questie *v2.66* - A quest helper for vanilla!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:37 pm
by babichkata
Yeah, I did.

I will keep track on this addon regardless the nostalrius shutdown as I'm not playing here anyway. Are you going to continue your work ?

Re: [Addon] Questie *v2.66* - A quest helper for vanilla!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:10 pm
by Dyaxler
Possibly... I'm still processing the news.

Re: [Addon] Questie *v2.66* - A quest helper for vanilla!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:31 am
by babichkata
found what's causing it, using ShaguQuest + ShaguDB with questie. yells a nil error upon completing a Q. With ShaguQuest + ShaguDB turned off there are no errors

Re: [Addon] Questie *v2.66* - A quest helper for vanilla!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:13 pm
by Dyaxler
Actually... I discovered that on another private server the quest level isn't injected into the quest log title like it is here on Nostalrius. It's present in the QuestTracker list but not the log.

But in your case, running both of those mods with Questie could potentially conflict.

Re: [Addon] Questie *v2.66* - A quest helper for vanilla!

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2016 5:57 pm
by Renew
for whatever reason you implented a auto-complete function if EQL3 is active, wich is rly rly annoying with my Vanilla Storyline addon...

Code: Select all
elseif(event == "QUEST_PROGRESS") then
      if IsAddOnLoaded("EQL3") then
         if IsQuestCompletable() then

Re: [Addon] Questie *v2.66* - A quest helper for vanilla!

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 9:56 am
by SilverSaw

Thanks for the great addon!

I have to submit a issue about Questie and EQL3 working together.

I`ve test the issue only with this 2 addons in my list. When i`m only with EQL3 and check options "Add new quests to tracker" and "Show relevant quest in item tooltip" in Options Menu, after relog everything is workign and options are saved. Same only with Questie automatic tracking is working as i want. But if i put questie in my addon list together with EQL3 and relog again, This 2 Option of EQL3 are reseted and my quest are automatically tracked again. if i uncheck them and relog again, they are not saved and stayed as before with check. So there is no way to disable automatic tracking of the quests with this 2 Addons working together.

Best Regards,

Re: [Addon] Questie *v2.66* - A quest helper for vanilla!

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 10:16 am
by SilverSaw

The Bug in my previous post is fixed when i install Questie v2.67, so there is something in questie v3 witch couse EQL3 stop saving options and automatically track quest, without option to remove this.

Best Regards

Re: [Addon] Questie *v2.66* - A quest helper for vanilla!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:21 pm
by Xaverius
Hello. I'm using v 2.67 (beta). When I hide the tracker, the default one doesn't work. Any ideas?

The only other addons I ahve are atlas/atlasloot and Recipe Radar.