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VanillaFiles Addon Repository

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:19 pm
by Holysymbol
Hello Nostalrius users, I am Holysymbol. I have decided to create a repository for all 1.12.1 Add-Ons in a single convenient location. This project has just started and I will be looking for assistance in keeping the website updated with the latest versions of addons found.

The idea is to find the latest version for every Add-On made for 1.12.1, as many of the addon packs found online do not contain the latest version but merely compatible versions.

If you are interested in helping please send me a private message. I intend to keep the website and addons organized by alphabetical order and version.

Re: VanillaFiles Addon Repository

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:37 am
by Bioness
There are plenty of these already, but here use this link to get you started.


Re: VanillaFiles Addon Repository

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:35 pm
by Holysymbol
This isn't an Add-On pack but an online repository where all the latest versions for all 1.12.1 Add-Ons would be hosted. So instead of having to download a huge Add-On pack which may or may not have the final version of an Add-On. Users could find and download the ones they want and the version they want.

As I am sure you know many Add-Ons contain errors, some versions more than others. Perl for example, the version provided in most Add-On packs is riddled with lua errors but the final 1.12.1 version isn't.