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Re: SpartanUI for Vanilla WoW 1.12 *RELEASED*

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:52 am
by Dyaxler
Oh I'm still here and SUI was been running great. I haven't noticed any new issues with it. I've been pretty busy with Questie lately but I still keep an eye on this thread and the one on GitHub.

Re: SpartanUI for Vanilla WoW 1.12 *RELEASED*

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 8:32 pm
by munn
Hi There,

Thank you for all of your hard work on this, I just joined Nostalrius last night (PVE) and was incredibly happy to find this addon as it's what I used in live years ago. I also grabbed Questie and will be trying that out this evening.

A couple quick questions I have, not sure if I'm just missing the options or if they don't exist but:

1. Is there a way to make the popup windows (auras/micro bar) be shown all the time rather than having a mouse over pop-up? I played with the /sui popup setting but it didn't seem to change anything.

2. Is there a way to hide the left backdrop / empty box to the left of the hotbars? The rightbackdrop command takes care of the one on the right, but I can't find a way to hide the one on the left.

Thanks again!

Re: SpartanUI for Vanilla WoW 1.12 *RELEASED*

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:25 am
by Dyaxler
Thank you! :)

1. Yes. "/spartanui popup off" - It's not a toggle like some addons. It does require the second ARG.

2. The left backdrop is actually the container frame/backdrop for Bar5. You can't turn it off. However, you can turn on the GRID to make it show that there is actually something there. Go into Interface Options --> Advanced Options and select the "Always Show ActionBars" check box to turn on the Action Bar Grid.

In Vanilla WoW there aren't 6 Action Bars like there is in Burning Crusade and beyond so I had to do something on the right side. Hence the larger blank box which is great for things like a damage meter.

*NOTE* I just checked the popup feature... for some reason the popup off isn't working. It briefly flashes open then immediately closes. So something is closing them back down. I'll have to check the code. I don't recall making any changes to that function so for now it's a bug.

Re: [Addon] SpartanUI *0.9.5* for Vanilla WoW 1.12

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:48 am
by Dyaxler
OK... I wasn't doing anything so I fixed it and released version 0.9.5. You can find it here:

Re: [Addon] SpartanUI *0.9.5* for Vanilla WoW 1.12

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:45 am
by munn
Thanks, I'll give the new version a shot!

I noted yesterday that I'm frequently running into target frame bugs as well (i.e. my target frame either just doesn't appear, or the background appears but no target data shows).

I'm running into issues with questie as well but I'll post in the questie forum for that (i.e. arrow directing to quest giver instead of quest goal, completed quests still showing as available, etc).

Thanks again, I'll let you know how I make out with the new version!

Re: [Addon] SpartanUI *0.9.5* for Vanilla WoW 1.12

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:27 pm
by munn
The popup off option works now, thanks!

I appreciate the input on the left bar 5/box area. The issue I have is that in my resolution (2560x1600) if I want to put my chat box in the bottom left it's impossible to make the chat window small enough that it doesn't overlap the bar 5 frame. Ideally I'd move the bar 5 frame over to where the rightbackdrop was and keep my chat in the empty pane to the left.

So, I've got a few of options:

The first; I just leave chat where it is, overlap bar 5 and set opacity to 0% so I have a big black box where the left part of the pane is.

The second; I move chat over to the right side and make use of the bar 5 frame. Neither deal breakers, just not ideal.

The third; I rescale sui so that the chat window will fit in the bottom left, the only problem I have with that, is that then the ui will take up more screen real estate than I'd like.

Anywho just thought I'd share. This isn't a problem with the UI, it's more just a spacing issue with the ui auto scaling at the 2560x1600 resolution (probably not that common).

Target Frame: The feedback I'll give is that I'm still running into issues where I'm either getting no target frame at all, or, an empty target frame (with rows for data, etc) with no data present (no portrait, hps, nothing).

Thanks again!

Re: [Addon] SpartanUI *0.9.5* for Vanilla WoW 1.12

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:53 pm
by Dyaxler
SpartanUI has a built in feature to scale the graphics of the UI. Go into your video settings and enable UI scaling. Drop the slider down a tick or two and SpartanUI will shrink and not be quite as big.

Re: [Addon] SpartanUI *0.9.5* for Vanilla WoW 1.12

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:06 pm
by munn
Thanks, I'll give the UI change a try. I did play with the slider but didn't /reloadui after making changes so I'll try that and see how it goes.

As for the target frame issue, if you need a hand reproducing it (or any other info) let me know. Glad to help!

Re: [Addon] SpartanUI *0.9.5* for Vanilla WoW 1.12

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:30 pm
by Dyaxler
I went ahead and added the ability to toggle the leftbackdrop... v0.9.6 is released. You can get it here:

As far as the Target frame issue... that's a new one on me. I've done extensive testing of all frames and have never run into that issue. If you could provide detailed repro steps, I would highly appreciate it. Please include character class and you might as well tell me if you're playing Alliance or Horde to be completely thorough. If at all possible I would love a copy of your SpartanUI.lua file in the WTF directory. This will contain some detailed frame data. If you can get the bug to stick, even after a ReloadUI - copying the file at that point would be most helpful before you logout of game. You can either email it to me or PM it to me. :)

Re: [Addon] SpartanUI *0.9.5* for Vanilla WoW 1.12

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:06 pm
by Dyaxler
Found a nil error bug upon login. Hotfix applied and zip file updated.