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Macro GetQuestLink()

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:07 am
by rdrmdr
Hi, I'm trying to find a way to get the ids of the quests I have on my Quest Log. What I have tried was:
Code: Select all
/run SendChatMessage(GetQuestLink(1))

...but for some reason it gives an nil value error. I have tried it with 1 quest and with 2 quests on my Quest Log but it still returns nil and gives error.

More detail: For example the id of the quest Wanted: "Hogger" is 176 as I can see on the site...

Re: Macro GetQuestLink()

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:15 pm
by Dreez
You can look through this list for every quest function. GetQuestLink() does not exist
Code: Select all
AbandonQuest - Abandon the specified quest.
AcceptQuest - Accept the specified quest.
AddQuestWatch(x)   - Add a quest to the watch list.
CloseQuest - ?.
CollapseQuestHeader - Collapses a quest header.
CompleteQuest - Complete the specified quest.
ConfirmAcceptQuest - Accept the quest. Yes. Really accept it.
DeclineQuest - Declines the currently offered quest.
ExpandQuestHeader - Expands a quest header.
GetAbandonQuestName - Gets the name of a quest while it is being abandoned.
GetActiveLevel(index) - Gets the level of an active quest (only available after QUEST_GREETING event).
GetActiveTitle(index) - Gets the title of an active quest (only available after QUEST_GREETING event).
GetAvailableLevel(index) - Gets the level of an available quest (only available after QUEST_GREETING event).
GetAvailableTitle(index) - Gets the title of an available quest (only available after QUEST_GREETING event).
GetNumActiveQuests - Gets the number of currently active quests from this NPC (only available after QUEST_GREETING event).
GetNumAvailableQuests - Gets the number of currently available quests from this NPC (only available after QUEST_GREETING event).
GetNumQuestChoices - Returns the number of rewards for a completed quest.
GetNumQuestItems - Returns the number of items nessecary to complete a particular quest.
GetNumQuestLeaderBoards([questIndex])   - Returns the number of available quest objectives.
GetNumQuestLogChoices - Returns the number of options someone has when getting a quest item.
GetNumQuestLogEntries - Returns the number of entries in the quest log.
GetNumQuestLogRewards - Returns the count of the rewards for a particular quest.
GetNumQuestRewards - ?.
GetNumQuestWatches()   - Returns the number of quest watches active.
GetObjectiveText()   - Gets the objective of the current quest.
GetQuestBackgroundMaterial - Returns the material string associated with the particular quest.
GetQuestGreenRange()   - Return for how many levels below you quests and mobs remain "green" (i.e. yield xp)
GetQuestIndexForTimer - ?.
GetQuestIndexForWatch(watchIndx)   - Return the quest index for the specified watch
GetQuestItemInfo - Returns basic information about the quest items.
GetQuestItemLink - Returns an itemLink for a quest reward item.
GetQuestLogChoiceInfo - Returns a bunch of data about a quest reward choice from the quest log.
GetQuestLogItemLink - ?.
GetQuestLogLeaderBoard(ldrIndex[, questIndex])   - Gets information about the objectives for a quest.
GetQuestLogPushable - Returns true if the currently loaded quest in the quest window can be shared.
GetQuestLogQuestText - Returns the description and objectives required for the specified quest.
GetQuestLogRequiredMoney - ?.
GetQuestLogRewardInfo - Returns a pile of reward item info.
GetQuestLogRewardMoney - Returns a number representing the amount of copper returned by a particular quest.
GetQuestLogRewardSpell - ?.
GetQuestLogSelection - Returns a number associated with the QuestLogSelection index.
GetQuestLogTimeLeft - ?.
GetQuestLogTitle - Returns the string which is associated with the specific QuestLog Title in the game.
GetQuestMoneyToGet - ?
GetQuestReward - Gets the quest reward specified.
GetQuestText - Gets the description of the current quest.
GetQuestTimers - Returns all of the quest timers currently in progress.
GetRewardMoney - Returns a number representing the amount of copper returned by a particular quest.
GetRewardSpell - ?.
GetRewardText - ?.
GetTitleText - Retrieves the title of the quest while talking to the NPC about it.
IsCurrentQuestFailed - ?.
IsQuestCompletable - Returns true if a quest is possible to complete.
IsQuestWatched(questIndex)   - Determine if the specified quest is watched.
IsUnitOnQuest(questIndex, "unit")   - Determine if the specified unit is on the given quest.
QuestChooseRewardError - Throws an error when the quest choose reward method doesn't work.
QuestLogPushQuest - Initiates the sharing of the currently viewed quest in the quest log.
RemoveQuestWatch(index)   - Remove a quest watch (Is the index a quest or watch index?).
SelectQuestLogEntry - ?.
SetAbandonQuest - Called before AbandonQuest.
UI ToggleQuestLog - Opens/closes the quest log.

taken from

Re: Macro GetQuestLink()

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:19 pm
by Renew
Dreez wrote:You can look through this list for every quest function. GetQuestLink() does not exist

or read the error message(wich is a better idea) :lol:

GetQuestLink is nil

Re: Macro GetQuestLink()

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:38 pm
by Dreez
Renew wrote:
Dreez wrote:You can look through this list for every quest function. GetQuestLink() does not exist

or read the error message(wich is a better idea) :lol:

GetQuestLink is nil

well I suggested the list so he can look for the function that he needs not for checking whether the one he used exists.