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Need a little help with a macro

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:39 am
by Transformedbg
I just want to make a simple macro that i can modify any spell to a lower rank for instance flash heal

Code: Select all
/run local c=IsControlKeyDown()n=CastSpellByName if(c)then n("Flash Heal(Rank 1)")else n("Flash Heal(Rank 3)") end

which works if im just clicking on the mouse... however if i want to bind it to say Key #1 in action bar#1, if im doing the modifier of Control it will not allow me to push the control button and #1 key. its like control over rides #1 and doenst see the press.. however if i just press #1, it will cast rank 3... any ideas? or help?

Re: Need a little help with a macro

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:35 am
by RedBanner
It's not a paging issue with actionbars, is it? Like I use Bartender2, and I use the paging feature so I cannot use the IsXKeyDown modifiers. I ran your macro on my Pally, changing the spells to Flash of Light, and it works just as it should.

You could alternatively create a macro that casts heals based on health percentages (my preference):
Code: Select all
/script if(UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.50) then CastSpellByName("Flash Heal(Rank 3)")else CastSpellByName("Flash Heal(Rank 1)"); end

This one should cast Rank 1 until the target is under 50% health, then cast Rank 3. Adjustments can be made to the percentage.