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Looking to raid - US - Westcoast -

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:55 pm
by donnybrook
So I just found out about the server and started but I'm looking for something I've not found much of here on the guild boards.

I'm a US West coaster, I work every day (yes every single day) from 8am -roughly 6:30PST and don't get home, fed and ready to play until at least 8pm.

Are there any guilds Alliance or Horde that raid starting at or after 8pm? I don't care about the role, I mained a warrior tank on live, but I had a hunter, priest, pali, and druid, plus i don't mind learning a new role. I just want to raid

If theres a guild on either side I'll roll a new toon of a desired class, I just want to find a group who plays around my time since I'm so limited.