[EU] CBA is recruiting PVE 10/10 MC & 1/1 Ony

Guilds information & recruitment - For the Horde !

[EU] CBA is recruiting PVE 10/10 MC & 1/1 Ony

by Zkalf » Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:37 pm

CBA is a Guild that focuses on endgame content in PVP/PVE & creating an enjoyable raiding/ranking environment for its members. We are always looking for exceptional players of any class or Spec.

CBA is formed by players who have played together since vanilla through out all expansions. Together we've achieved titles in pvp (both oldschool and throughout the expansions) we obtain some of the best for every aspect of the game.
If you see yourself as a top player and contributer its most certian we can use you and you will enjoy your time in CBA.

One of the many attributes we look for in a guild member is the ability to follow instructions and communicate well. Reading this post, following the instructions and producing a well written application will increase your chances of being accepted.

Raid Times
Sunday (From 19:00 - 23:00 server time)
Tuesday (From 19:00 - 23:00 server time) - When BLW comes out

CBA offers a great friendly raiding environment and stable progression. Outside of raiding we want to socialise on TeamSpeak, camp outdoors, pvp, run guild tournements and much more to come.

Our Expectation of Raiders
You meet 15 min before raid time with flasks, food & potions.
Your main character should be your priority as far as playing and progress goes. It should be as good as it can be in the current content. This is the character we expect them to bring on all official raids and focus on developing and progressing through the end game content.

This includes
Ensuring your character is fully optimized for progression raiding
enchanted & upgraded
Having relevant talent choices, enchants, upgrades & professions

Experience & Attitude
We expect our raiders to be dedicated, thorough, motivated and great team players. We are not interested in people that need to be told how to play. You are expected to fully understand how your character works on those encounters and in a general sense what will be expected of you. We require our raiders to be flexible.

If you would like to apply to CBA, check under Recruitment on our website for your class and fill out our Recruitment Application Template. http://cbagaming.shivtr.com/forums/1458979

After filling out our Recruitment Application Template, your application will be reviewed within 48h by several of our Officers and you will receive a response.

Homepage: http://cbagaming.shivtr.com/

Officers staff: Temp (GM), Zkalf and Johnq.

Thanks for reading & see you in-game!
Last edited by Zkalf on Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:16 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Re: [EU] CBA is recruiting PVP/PVE - Hardcore PVP

by Temp » Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:37 am

Looking exceptionel healers atm.

you can pm temp or zkalf for question or chat if needed. (:

Re: [EU] CBA is recruiting PVP/PVE - Hardcore PVP

by Temp » Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:16 am

Dont be affraid to contact us for a chat ingame.
in great need of priest atm.

Re: [EU] CBA is recruiting PVP/PVE - Hardcore PVP

by Temp » Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:52 am

Still in need of healers for premade.

Re: [EU] CBA is recruiting PVE 8/10 MC

by Zkalf » Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:30 pm

We are now 8/10 in MC and waiting for water and ony prequest to be done for next week. We are still looking for member to fill the last spots.

Re: [EU] CBA is recruiting PVE 10/10 MC & 1/1 Ony

by Zkalf » Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:20 pm

We are still in need of good players.
Dont be affraid to contact us for a chat ingame or make an applications at http://cbagaming.shivtr.com/forums/1458979

Re: [EU] CBA is recruiting PVE 10/10 MC & 1/1 Ony

by Smorc » Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:33 am

Ah yes, what a classy guild indeed. Would join, 5 out of 5.

I joined four members of CBA for a DM West run, just to get kicked before the last two bosses, so that they could bring in a guildmate instead.

Special shoutout to CBA's second-in-command Johnw (name changed), who was part of the group and was fine with such actions. Clearly this reflects to the whole guild's attitude and shows that they are ready to fuck up outsiders for their own advantage.

If the idea of such behavior gives you a raging hard-on, go ahead and join them; that way people can avoid shitlords by avoiding the members of CBA. If it didn't, then hit that back button already.


Re: [EU] CBA is recruiting PVE 10/10 MC & 1/1 Ony

by Temp » Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:21 am

The actions of the players in the dungeon group does not reflect the overall views of the guild and is a result of a personal decision taken by the dungeon leader.

While helping out guild mates i did not have a part in the decision of removing you from the group. The appropriate actions have been taken to make sure the players think twice before doing such actions.

That being said, it is said that the decision was made due to a lack of damage among other things such as breaking CC etc. Turns out the player who joined the group as replacement was invited to merely to finish the dungeon and did not need any gear.
Of course it is not okay to kick someone without a warning and in the future we will encourage all members of CBA to heed this advice, although the majority of our members are very accommodating.

- JohnQ

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