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Protection Warrior, Priest + 2 DPS LF Serious US Guild

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:02 am
by Rxcc
Hello, I am Rxcc. I've been playing WoW for some time now. Me and 4 other friends are looking to join a competitive US raiding guild (4+days/ week ideally during progression).
WE ARE FLEXIBLE AND WILL PLAY EITHER HORDE OR ALLIANCE; that being said here is my track record:

-In a top 20 US Guild throughout TBC/WOTLK

-Played Scriptcraft 1,2,Q-Gaming,Dalaran-wow and a few other private servers I may have forgotten all at the highest level (with the most progressed guilds).

-In a top 30 US guild currently on retail WoW (not a huge fan of the game currently)

What you can expect from me and my team:

-Level up as quickly as humanly possible, and getting in full pre raid BiS within 4-5 days of being level capped

- Determination to be the best; including, farming for consumables, flask recipes, resist gear, etc.

- Knowledgeable about the game; I have played and cleared vanilla content numerous times (and so have my team) so we pretty much know how to optimize every encounter, strategy, etc.

If a guild with a similar mindset is interested in picking up us, please send me a PM on these forums. Much Appreciated.
