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Looking for late night (early morning) guild. (5:00am UTC +)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:16 pm
by Demondog
Hello! I'm living in Michigan, USA, and I work second shift.

That means I don't get out of work until 4:30am UTC (11:30pm eastern)

So I'm trying to find a guild with players active after midnight eastern standard time.

I play a warlock, and I plan to lvl a shaman (resto) and rogue.

I'm interested in world PvP, group questing, and eventually raiding. I've played retail WoW since mid 2005, and was a dedicated raider in TBC. I am looking for a mature group of players who are serious about having fun. :)

If you think I might be a good fit, please point me to your guild application process!

Thanks, Demondog

Re: Looking for late night (early morning) guild. (5:00am UT

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:39 pm
by Demondog
Seems like the guild I'm looking for doesn't exist.

I'm sure there's at least 10 players who play late night/early morning.

Anyone interested in forming a guild? I'm probably going to be more interested in world pvp then raiding, but I would be interested in raiding if there are enough people available.