LF NA Solid Non-Douche Guild

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LF NA Solid Non-Douche Guild

by sebula » Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:24 am


I'm wrapping up my grind to Rank 10 and am looking for a North American raiding guild. Without showing off my dick size by prattling off a resume full of exaggerated accomplishments, I will say that I've been playing classic and classic private servers sporadically since 2005 and know my shit as a mage.

Is there an NA guild on here that:

a) Recruits solid players and doesn't invite solely based on a resume full of exaggerated accomplishments.

b) Non-douchy. Not a cadre of try-hards who desperately attempt to impress one another with random facts and telling one another their opinion on so and so's failure to Ice Block at the exact right milli-second in an attempt to sound like an authority. Also not a cadre of big-leaguers who talk down to one another in a pathetic attempt to appear 'leet'.

c) Holds members accountable within reason. Enough said.

d) Competently lead. But guild leader is also not a sociopath.

I know this is probably asking a lot on a private server, but I figured there might be one guild like this that raids NA times given the immense population. I've read up on Convulsion and they seem to describe themselves along these lines. Does that description hold up?

Re: LF NA Solid Non-Douche Guild

by Zoolious » Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:34 pm

Hey, message either myself (Zoolious) or any of the other officers in Gentlemen's Club (Vokos, Baper, Zallah, Kaltherzig, Nagaplz, Cutu) in-game if you're still looking for a guild, we should have a spot for another Mage at the moment.

We've only been raiding for 3 weeks as of Wednesday as most of us started relatively late on Nostalrius, but we have cleared all current content as of last night. We raid at 8:30 EST Mon/Wed/Thurs, (this may decrease to 2 days a week now that we have everything cleared comfortably).

Re: LF NA Solid Non-Douche Guild

by Throe » Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:47 pm

sebula wrote:a) Recruits solid players and doesn't invite solely based on a resume full of exaggerated accomplishments.

We recruit shit players and invite solely based on resumes, look no further than the marvelous applications that get accepted!

b) Non-douchy. Not a cadre of try-hards who desperately attempt to impress one another with random facts and telling one another their opinion on so and so's failure to Ice Block at the exact right milli-second in an attempt to sound like an authority. Also not a cadre of big-leaguers who talk down to one another in a pathetic attempt to appear 'leet'.

Definitely not try hards but definitely douches. Talk down to shitters for being shit, not because we are leet.

c) Holds members accountable within reason. Enough said.

I guess

d) Competently lead. But guild leader is also not a sociopath.

Gnarle and I are no sociopaths but Gnarle is a well established Ninja of Nostalrius.

I know this is probably asking a lot on a private server, but I figured there might be one guild like this that raids NA times given the immense population. I've read up on Convulsion and they seem to describe themselves along these lines. Does that description hold up?

On a serious note: We do not take ourselves seriously but we do require you to do your damn job. Raids are pretty fun as most of our members can attest to. If you are interested feel free to send in an application or get in touch with Myself in game.

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