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[EU] Phoenix - Horde || Lf second roster members.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:21 pm
by Envy
What <Phoenix> currently needs:
Motivated & focused players for a second roster currently raiding BWL & MC.
All classes will be considered. We are currently running with a few pugs and would like this to end as soon as possible.
If you wanna have fun with us & get the mighty loots, post an application on our forum.
Our main roster is also looking for: mages.

What <Phoenix> has killed so far on Nostalrius:
- Everything in Molten Core.
- Everything in Blackwing Lair.
- Onyxia.
- Kazzak.
- Azuregos.
- Lethon, Emeriss, Taerar.

if your class is not listed up here you still can try to join us if you're a good player & you think you can bring something insanely beneficial to the guild, we'll study your apply nonetheless. However, be aware that a few classes are extra full & you'll therefore need to be extra good. Don't be shy though!

Want to be a part of us ? Read more.

Well you all know the story about the majestic bird, the pile of ashes, the reborn thingie and Dumbledore right ?
Let's bring this to a new, never seen before level of greatness.

Phoenix will rule both PvE & PvP once again and will only accept the best players, as usual.

If you have never ever heard of Phoenix & Nostalrius in the same sentence, I guess we can resume it by : the best pack of players during the beta. Feared by most, revered by the rest !

Ready to conquer everything all over again ? Just join us !

Old members are obviously welcome !

Prepare to be butchered !

What we are determined to do :

PvE : we want to clean every single dungeon & raid as soon as possible, with as much efficiency as possible. If you are an over-achiever, you are welcome. We do not want to be second or third, we aim for the first place, always did, always will.
To do so we need serious & dedicated players.
Being available 2 raids a week will be mandatory. Being able to play 3 to 4 will be much appreciated.

PvP : we are players who love the challenge that comes with the PvP, we will most certainly play as a team in the battlegrounds as much as we can, if you do not love that aspect of the game, it is alright. You don't have to.
Outdoor PvP also is an important component of the game and we will not hesitate in engaging other people or alliance guilds in world events or just for fun, anywhere, anytime.

Having lots of fun : because world of warcraft is also an important social adventure, we hope to have fun in every single aspect of the game, being serious is important but enjoying the game is primordial mainly because it is a game, if you remember.

In the end : we will be an elitist guild eager to have fun while destroying every single boss of the game. If you want to join us or have any question about our organization (which did kill everything available 2 years ago) or way of doing things, don't hesitate to ask here or simply send me a private message.

For those who still wonder : it is not a fake or a troll or anything, if the server is a success, we will be happy to be part of it once again, the past is over, if you can't let go of it, I'm very sorry for you but some of us will be back, no matter what. And we intend to be the best once more.

Loot attribution : we will most likely use a form of DKP system in which every boss grants you a predetermined number of points while every loot costs you a number of points. There will be no bidding or whatever, if an item is worth 200, it's 200 and no more.

Forum :

Our raid days will most probably be either Sunday, Monday or Tuesday (two of them, minimum.) 20.30pm to 00.00 (gmt +1.) More days will be added as soon as more raids are available (zg, bwl, aq...)

UPDATE: we are now re-opening the levelers & socials into our midst. An application will however be mandatory (nothing excessive, a simple presentation should be enough.)

Re: Phoenix - Horde

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:39 pm
by Sélenne
Envy <3

Re: Phoenix - Horde

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:39 pm
by Askental

Re: Phoenix - Horde

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:48 pm
by Envy

Re: Phoenix - Horde

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:58 pm
by Germinou
To troll or not to troll, that is the question.


Re: Phoenix - Horde

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:00 pm
by Switchblade
I thought you would stay on NG.

Re: Phoenix - Horde

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:02 pm
by Hatson

Re: Phoenix - Horde

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:09 pm
by Germinou
Stop being hateful for stupid nationalist reason, or I'll send you to the new gulags we'll build under the sea.

They're all much better than many of us can imagine.
Working well with a great organisation, which is the most important for a guild.

I just hope most of them will be back, even if I can't bear something like half of them, it doesn't mean I don't think they are good player. And it would be great for the server to have them back.

Edit: It's funny, Switchblade deleted his message.

Re: Phoenix - Horde

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:10 pm
by Envy
Switchblade wrote:I thought you would stay on NG.

Some of us did, others didn't.
Personally, I never logged in on NG.

So I guess those of us who like it there will stay and some might join me here. I even think there is still a few on ED, this doesn't mean anything, right ?

However, please refrain from trolling, it'd be much appreciated.

Re: Phoenix - Horde

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:12 pm
by Switchblade
I'm not trolling, I just don't like you*, like 90% of the server's population back then... (reminder : I raided for at least 1 year with Phoenix. Worst experience I had).
Anyway I deleted my previous post cause I didnt wanted to start a flamewar, but hey too late.

(*not especially Envy, but the guild, as a whole.)