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<Completely Different> recruiting for AQ patch! (EU)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:03 pm
by Zephs

Who are we?
Completely Different was a hardcore raiding guild on Sylvanas-EU during retail vanilla. We always aimed for a smooth and fast progress pace while having fun together. A few of the Officers/Raiders of that guild have now decided to start playing on Nostalrius, which means that we are currently looking to add more skilled and dedicated raiders to our upcoming raid team. Some of us have been playing together for a very long time which makes us coordinate as we should and help our new members adapt easily.

What can <Completely Different> offer you?
- The opportunity to play with an experienced and mature core of players that knows the game inside and out.
- You won't spend alot of time on the bench since we mainly want raiders that are active and here to kill bosses.
- Officers in the guild will be available 24/7. Everyone can't be online all the time, but since we live in different timezones and have different sleeping schedules, there will always be someone online to take care of your questions or problem.
- A great sense of humor during trash and farm raids, but when we're progressing a boss it's very important that focus will stay on the boss mechanics.
- We play alot of games outside Nostalrius such as CS:GO, Diablo 3, Battlefield/Battlefront, GTA5, Heroes of the Storm etc. Some of us play retail version of WoW as well. (

What do we expect from you?
- You have a brain.
- You are 20+ years old.
- You have close to best-in-slot gear from dungeons.
- You are able to attend at least 2 of our raid nights per week.
- You have sufficient raiding experience for the content that we raid.
- You are a teamplayer and willing if necessary, to put the guilds needs ahead of your own. This applies to all ranks in the guild.
- You know your class very well and how it works in a group and raid environment.
- You are able to stand criticism and have the interest in improving your performance.
- You are willing to wipe for several hours while tuning a tactic for a new encounter.
- You can understand and communicate in english. We will be using Teamspeak 3 during raids so the ability to understand warnings and instructions is essential.



Thanks for reading! For further questions please reply on this thread or contact Zephs in-game. All applicants are taken into consideration even though your class might be listed as "LOW". Exceptions can be made.

Re: <Completely Different> recruiting for AQ patch! (EU)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:10 am
by Gedmin
Raid times and days? :)

Re: <Completely Different> recruiting for AQ patch! (EU)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:12 am
by Zephs
Gedmin wrote:Raid times and days? :)

Good question! That hasn't been 100% decided yet. Looks like we will have 2 main raid days, and then 2 optional raid days. Main raid days will be 40 man farm/progress, while the 2 optional raids will be 20 man and more 'wing it'. We feel like there's no reason to raid 3 times a week for 4 hours each evening. Prefer to keep the raids short, and use the time effectively. So our raiding schedule will probably look something like:

Thursday: 20:00 > 23:00
Friday: 20:00+
Saturday: 20:00+
Sunday: 20:00 > 23:00

(Timezone is UTC +01:00 - Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, Madrid, Paris.)

Hope this answer is good enough! :)

Re: <Completely Different> recruiting for AQ patch! (EU)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:25 pm
by Baki
I would like to say that its truly a nice guild with helpful people. So yeah I definitely encourage players to join us. :D

Re: <Completely Different> recruiting for AQ patch! (EU)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:46 am
by Zephs
Just a quick update!

We did our first Onyxia run, saturday. Still had to pug majority of the group but at least it was a oneshot. Gonna try to make this a weekly thing and bring more and more people from the guild until we're a full guild run. Also made a ZG alt/social run together with <Divergent> and killed a few bosses.

Still recruiting more or less everything. We value experience from retail higher than being pre raid BiS geared or even level 60. We still have alot of people running dungeons in the guild.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day everyone! :)

Re: <Completely Different> recruiting for AQ patch! (EU)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:28 pm
by Kusovka
I remember you from good old vanilla times at sylvanas! You were my favourite guild. :)

Re: <Completely Different> recruiting for AQ patch! (EU)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:54 am
by wilma1
Hello! Are you in need of a Rogue? Pre-raid bis and geared from MC/Ony/ZG, cleared all of them, havent stepped into BWL yet tho.

20 y/o from sweden, played wow since release :).

Check up "Hoechaser" on realmplayers, cant post a link since its down atm :(

Re: <Completely Different> recruiting for AQ patch! (EU)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:12 pm
by Furilol
wilma1 wrote:Hello! Are you in need of a Rogue? Pre-raid bis and geared from MC/Ony/ZG, cleared all of them, havent stepped into BWL yet tho.

20 y/o from sweden, played wow since release :).

Check up "Hoechaser" on realmplayers, cant post a link since its down atm :(

If you want to join a guild I suggest you visit their homepage.

Anyways, CD merged with Regementet so CD is no more.

Werent you the guy who left SJO for Regementet btw? How come you're looking for a new guild yet again?

Re: <Completely Different> recruiting for AQ patch! (EU)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:01 pm
by wilma1
Furilol wrote:
wilma1 wrote:Hello! Are you in need of a Rogue? Pre-raid bis and geared from MC/Ony/ZG, cleared all of them, havent stepped into BWL yet tho.

20 y/o from sweden, played wow since release :).

Check up "Hoechaser" on realmplayers, cant post a link since its down atm :(

If you want to join a guild I suggest you visit their homepage.

Anyways, CD merged with Regementet so CD is no more.

Werent you the guy who left SJO for Regementet btw? How come you're looking for a new guild yet again?

I've never been in SJO, however I was in Mega, lost my raidspot due to irl stuff (had to be away for 3 months) so I left Mega and joined Regementet, I didn't fit in very well in that guild, me and the guildleader didn't get along on how a rogue should be played, and I thought they had a rather weird loot system.

Don't get me wrong, im not trashtalking them, no hard feelings between me and Regementet, it was just not really for me :)