Any late night NA PVE guilds?

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Any late night NA PVE guilds?

by thrashnbash » Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:06 am

Any PVE guilds that raid @ 1am Central time? I play a resto sham and have a warr alt that I'm leveling, looking for a guild that fits my work schedule, maybe an Aussie guild?

Re: Any late night NA PVE guilds?

by Blimp821 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:05 am

I sent you a private message with some information on our guild!

Here is our post on the Nost forums:

Hey guys, going to keep it pretty short and to the point here. We are a leveling guild full of a good group of people who have been together since the beginning. We are in the process of transitioning into a raiding guild. So far we have a voice chat server set up and a website up and running.

We are looking for people in all classes who are interested in a late night (PST) raiding guild. Our raid times are:

Mon/Tues: 7:00PM (PST) (4:00AM - servertime)
Fri/Sat: 10:00PM (PST) (7:00AM - servertime)

We have a nice group of players and have created a tight knit community. If this sounds like something that would work for you, shoot me a private message on here, hop in our discord server: or send me mail in game at Sorcerrer.

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