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(NA) <Shinsengumi> Recruiting for Fresh Start!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:01 pm
by Hathos
The <Shinsengumi> (Horde, NA) is recruiting for the Fresh Start PvP server! Started by 5 friends, we’re led by MMO-vets who have absolutely zero experience with Vanilla WoW! Yup, no experience whatsoever. Why are we making a guild? It’ll be fun, that’s why. If you are Horde-side and look forward to experiencing Vanilla with us, kicking ass, getting our asses kicked, and walking back to our corpses as we get better and progress, then this is the guild for you!

Some FAQ’s:

What will our times be?

Around 8:00pm – 12:00am EST, 3 days a week. Days are undecided, because honestly that would be stupid to do before the server is running and we confirm schedules with our members.
How will we distribute loot?
EPGP with two ranks of casual and raider. Best thing for a game is to keep things fair and simple.

Aren’t you all noobs?

In Vanilla WoW, hell yes. Other than myself, none of the leaders have any Vanilla experience. However, we have led guilds in other games, including retail WoW, FFXIV, and Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

What is required of a member?

Eh, nothing, really, in terms of commitment. This is a videogame. IRL > Azeroth. Since some of us are adults with functioning lives, as opposed to kids on vacation or unemployed shut-ins living on welfare, we won’t make this into a job. If I had to sum up what we want in two words, just be Chill and Competent. Being chill is just being fun to play with, not constantly raging or spamming. Being competent means playing your class properly, having proper itemization and pre-raid BIS, and playing at least as good as is necessary to beat easy content such as MC, BWL, and AQ40, once you get practice and instructions from our raid leaders. We won’t get server-firsts, but we will progress and have fun while doing it.

Did I sell you on the Shinsengumi?

Yes? Awesome! For now, join us at our Discord while we gain momentum as we get closer to the launch. A website will be up as soon/eventually/let-me-sleep-for-five-more-minutes.

Re: (NA) <Shinsengumi> Recruiting for Fresh Start!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:40 pm
by Hathos