Night time

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Night time

by Kiala » Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:48 am

Odd topic perhaps, but I can´t seem to recall it - and I´ve not got much time to play and check it out at the appropriate hour so;

Can anyone help me out - do we have night time effects in WoW on Nostalrius? And if so, can you recall when they take place? Need it for some effects on screenshots.

Thanks in advance - and Happy holidays! :)
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Re: Night time

by Shammah » Sat Dec 26, 2015 1:07 pm

Yes there's night time, and it usually starts to get dark around 18:00 server time, give or take an hour.

Re: Night time

by Zimba » Sat Dec 26, 2015 2:07 pm

Night and day are working as intended on Nostalrius. The sun follows the server time. Sun's up @ 6AM, and down @ 9 PM.
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Re: Night time

by TOVAR » Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:15 pm

As on the retail vanilla and later, we don't have a real night, we have a..less bright day. So the night owls like me can have a good (and not too gloomy) game time. Not only that, also some fish (like the nightfin snapper for example) are following their daily time-table!
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Re: Night time

by Kiala » Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:17 pm

Oh, thank you so much for the swift responses, everyone :) Rarely online during the darker hours, but always liked them so much, and now I need them for something too!

So, thanks, will lurk around after 9 PM then ;)

Edit: Oh, and thank you for the bonus info about those fish o/
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