PvE Server Pop/Raiding Q's

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PvE Server Pop/Raiding Q's

by Bourbonpie » Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:09 am

Hey guys, so me and ~5 buddies are currently leveling on the PvP server and it's pretty miserable leveling at points trying to tag mobs and such, although we do love the high pop it can get quite annoying. The main thing we enjoy here is the amount of players to recruit for a more 'hardcore' raiding guild in the sense of 3-4 raid nights per week and looking to clear AQ40/Naxx.

My main question is, are there enough solid level 60 players that we'd be able to recruit ~40 more people for a guild like this? We wouldn't want to waste our time rerolling here if we couldn't get a solid roster filled up.

Edit: Forgot to mention it'd be in US timezone

Thanks in advance!

Re: PvE Server Pop/Raiding Q's

by Dish » Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:43 am


first of all, are you planning to play on Horde or Alliance?
I don't know about Alliance, but on Horde side there is only one serious raiding guild in the US timezone afaik (Goon Squad).
Now even if the number of people looking for a US raiding guild is still fairly limited right now, keep in mind that the server is still running at a content patch where only MC and Onyxia are open for raids. AV isn't open yet either. So naturally, less people are attracted to the server and a lot of people will lose interested after clearing the current content since there's just not as much to do.

According to https://nostalrius.pagekite.me/ the population here has been steadily increasing since it was launched. I remember in December the server peaked at 2.8k, where as last sunday it was already up to almost 3.2k. Population will only rise the more content is released and the older the server is.

So all in all, I am almost 100% safe that there will be room for more (hardcore) raiding guilds on both sides. It will take you a while to level up and form a guild roster anyway and population increases every week.
I really encourage you guys to roll horde side to equal out the faction imbalance a bit.
Dish - Level 60 Orc Rogue
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