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Re: Starting on Nost PVE or not: The Classbugs

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:39 am
by Viorus
Magnifican wrote:Hello. I've been lurking around this forum for a long time, since the launch of Nos actually. I leveled to 30 something and didnt like alot of the bugs I noticed. Then I went to that other server that launched a month later and never looked back, im still there but that dont matter. However I have always wanted to play on a PVE server because I honestly cant stand the ganking when you're trying to quest in peace. So I noticed Nost was going to release a PVE server and decided to jump on this forum again to check up on things.
Seems Nost had done some amount of work made and when I logged back on it felt pretty stable - and charge was working now from what I saw during my play session (yay!). I went over to the bugtracker and it still shows this huuuuuge amount of class bugs that have yet to be fixed: Yes, I know every pvt server have alot on bugtrackers etc but when I changed to "Class" and "Resolved" that list have a chocking number of 29 measily fixes listed. This worries me alot because there are alot of bugreports that suggests most classes have somewhat serious issues still (more on that later).

I noticed that on the Nost launch trailer is says "Large Dev Team" at around 1min mark. But in the bugtracker all fixed class bugs were assigned to "Daemon (devdaemon)", and on the quests for example its mostly either Daemon or Sean. Maybe the team is huge but the rate at which these classbugs are being fixed is worrysome.

I usually am a person who cares mostly about attention to detail and stuff like quests working properly (with right events and gossips etc) and animations, spell effects that have correct visuals etc. But this is usually because devs are focusing so hard on core mechanics already such as classes and battlegrounds and raids working. But when I see so many class reports (187 new and 51 confirmed and 382 reports in total with that small 29 under fixed) I must ask if this is going to be addressed soon.

I understand that opening a second server and ZG on PTR are taking up most of the time for the devs right now but my hopes are they will also take a hard look into classes soon.

Here are some serious "new" bugs that has not gotten any attention yet:

"All AOE Spells Consuming a Debuff Slot" - Serious one with 8 slot debuff, horrendous bug, should get fixed ASAP!

AoE spells dont stack, only one does damage. - Also serious issue!
Rain of Fire and Blizzard:

"Mage talent's Impact does not proc (tested and verified)"

"Drain Life/Drain Mana break at too short range"

Broken "Warlock Talents"

Broken "Warrior abilities"

"Holy Resists"

These are some examples of confirmed bugs yet still not fixed:

"Effects that proc off of spells can be resisted despite having 100% chance to be applied"

"Warrior's spell - Disarm is not working"

"Paladin's Sanctity Aura does not affect a wide range of paladin spells" Submitted 2015-06-15

"Curse of Doom not spawning Doomguards correctly" Submitted 2015-04-22

"Stealth breaks before being hit instantly when enters combat" Submitted 2015-04-1

"Stealth detection warning" submitted 2015-04-04

As you all can see lots of these where submitted and Confirmed for months and months but still no fix...

There are many many others of course but this is what keeps me from whether to deciding to roll here or not, especially the debuff stacking. What do you guys think? Will these things continue to be left as is like on peenix for so many years or will they get fixed, and if so, when? After ZG? The patch notes that Viper put out in announcement section are not kinda far between and not that many, as the bugtracker also shows on its "fixed" list..

Hopefully we can get some attention on this and I can finally start playing here. Been craving a PVE server for so long and finally we get one with hopefully a decent population.


Re: Starting on Nost PVE or not: The Classbugs

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:07 am
by Magnifican
Really, QQ? Funny how your quote says "Strive for greatness." yet when you bring up issues to improve on (you know, to strive for greatness) its just QQ.. The trolls on these forums.